Question PC Issues after Power Surge

Sep 11, 2024
Hello, so I recently built a pc about a week ago and all has been well until today a circuit tripped in my house and the power went out briefly. My PC did shut off while I was gaming, and it was plugged into a surge protector. Since then, when I shut down the PC either situation 1) the PC shuts down, the motherboard lights stay on, and the PC can power up later no problem with the fans spinning and the RGB on the fans turning on, or situation 2) the PC shuts down, the motherboard light goes off, and the PC does not power up normally and the motherboard has a light on indicating CPU and dram issues while the fans spin (without RGB). When situation 2 happens, I have to do some combination of unplugging the PC, turning off the psu and holding the power button and turning it all back on to get the PC working again.

It is worth noting that I had this issue (situation 2) happen a few times even before the power outage, but the power outage seems to have exacerbated the issue. Also, this may be a complete coincidence but I think my psu has more coil whine after the power outage than before (really unsure about this, it was never exactly silent beforehand). I was wondering if this is a psu issue, motherboard issue, windows shut down issue, power strip issue, or something else entirely. I would appreciate any tips. It may not be important, but when the power first came back on I had to clear the CMOS to get the PC to turn on and display again for the first time. I'm really at a loss for what to do and I just want to enjoy my PC without this problem.

Motherboard: asrock b650m pg riptide

PSU: Corsair RM850e