Question Pc keeps crashing after many upgrades

Jan 26, 2025
So basically I've gradually been upgrading and having so far got these

Ryzen 7 5800x
Nvidia RTX 4060 (these two from a year ago)
Noctua NH U12-S (I believe that's correct)
MAG 650W Bronze PSU

Even after upgrading my PSU I still have crashes occuring during games like apex, valorant, marvel rivals and many more.

After doing a bit of research the only part I believe might be doing this is my motherboard I wanted to check to ensure this was the actual issue I had and make sure I didn't buy another part I didn't need really.

My current one is an Asus PRIME A320M-K
I've heard this is one of the cheapest and is notorious for not providing enough power distribution to certain higher wattage CPUs

Even though I have been using my GPU and CPU for over a year now it's only just recently started messing up even before adding any new parts at all.

2nd to this what motherboard should I buy to replace it that would work better for me?
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!
When posting a thread of troubleshooting nature, it's customary to include your full system's specs. Please list the specs to your build like so:
CPU cooler:
include the age of the PSU apart from it's make and model. BIOS version for your motherboard at this moment of time.

^ Considering you've stated upgrading parts, please mention what you've upgraded from, to. If the spec's list mentioned above is your current specs, then mention the specs before upgrading.

I've heard this is one of the cheapest and is notorious for not providing enough power distribution to certain higher wattage CPUs
It does lack a proper VRM design, let alone a heatsink to cool said VRM area. I wouldn't rely on that board to drive an 105W TDP processor even though it's listed on the CPU's support list.

2nd to this what motherboard should I buy to replace it that would work better for me?
Where are you located? What is your budget for a motherboard? Preferred site for purchase? What is the make and model of your case?
I have an ATX case, located in the UK Suffolk area, as for preferred sites I'm not too worried about where as long as it's reasonably trusted. My budget will be about up to 200 so probably a 550 mobo of the sort.

The previous parts I had were old and from pc specialist my parents bought for me a few years back so I had

Stock AMD cooler
Ryzen 5 4500
Nvidia GTX 1050
and a Corsair 450w I believe
OS: Windows 11 (unsure on the version aside from this I will check when I can)
Monitor is AOC Gaming 24G2SPAE 24 inch FHD Monitor 165 Hz 1920 x 1080p

Not too sure on the brands of my ssd and harddrive and can't check them ATM as for the ram ( I plan to upgrade and fix the issue ) I currently have a pc specialist 16gb and have added a mismatched 8gb Corsair vengeance pro my friend gave to me. I understand the issues with the mismatch but the crashing was happening before I added this and I have had no performance issues, this helped since I am now able to run dual channel for the 8gb I have extra.

Oh and age of PSU was a few years hence the upgrade which I bought this one brand new and have been using it for about a month
The bios version I'm not too sure sorry I can't provide much info at the moment but If I can get any help with what I have this would be very appreciated