PC Keeps Freezing And Making Buzz Sound

Download MemTest86 (http://www.memtest86.com/ ) and install it on a USB stick (a tool to do that is included) and boot to the stick. It will start testing your memory automatically. Takes a few hours.

Ok. Next thing to try is remove your GPU and use the on board graphics and see if it still crashes (I realise that sucks, but we need to narrow it down to a specific component). I'm not sure if it only crashes during games(?), but if so you can even try playing your usual games with the onboard graphics (at the lowest settings obviously - knock down the resolution enough and most games are sorta kinda almost semi-playable on the onboard GPU).

You'd probably need to RMA the GPU. If it still crashes without your discrete GPU in there, it is probably a defective mobo or CPU (but the latter is very unlikely imo). Troubleshooting these lockups, especially when they're sporadic (i.e. when there is no way to "make it do it" immediately) can be very time-consuming and extremely frustrating. You don't have anything overclocked do you BTW? It's critical to have everything completely stock. Also what PSU do you have? An underpowered PSU can cause stability issues also.

Can you be more specific. Does it crash when browsing the web? Does it crash while loading Windows? Does it ever crash when idle? Does it only crash on a specific game? You get the idea. Is there any way you can make it crash guaranteed (e.g. within 5 minutes of playing GTA V for example).

Also have you tried rolling back to an older GPU driver?

I will start to monitor my thermals when playing games, but it is inconsistent. It will crash sometimes while playing Rocket League, and CS:GO. Also, sometimes when playing csgo, a lot of my pc will operate VERY VERY slowly. It never used to do this and its acting as like my hard drive is too slow or that my CPU is at max usage, but when i check Performance Manager in Task manager neither is the case. I don't ever see it crash when idle as i keep my pc on 24/7. Also, I am usually always playing games so its hard to tell because of how infrequent and random the crashes are. I have tried rolling back, but since the problem originated there have been many driver updates and every one seems stable. I will see if there is a way to make it crash guaranteed.