Last week I bought a new Vega 64. When it arrived I realised that I didn't have enough space in my case for it. One of my unused HDD slots was in the way, so I decided to get rid of it to make space for the new card.
I began by taking everything out of the case. However, before modding the case, I wanted to make sure that the new GPU worked. Therefore I powered my system on while it was out of the case. I kept my old GPU in, just incase something got damaged (I would much rather damage an old 6950 than a new Vega 64). However, the system wouldn't boot. The fans and lights (apart from the mouse and keyboard backlights) would turn on, but nothing would appear on the screen.
After reseating the CPU (2500k) and RAM (4x4GB Corsair RAM) and removing my WIFI and sound cards, I managed to get the BIOS screen. However, Windows 7, installed on my SSD, wouldn't boot (I didn't even get the logo). I had Ubuntu 16.04 installed on another drive and I managed boot it. I finally managed to get Windows to boot by selecting it in GRUB (oddly it didn't work the first few times, but then it did). Now that I could boot Windows, I installed my new card and everything was great. Now it was time to make space in the case.
Once the case was stripped bare, I went into a separate room (to avoid metal dust getting anywhere near the bare components) and cut the part of the HDD slot that was in the way of the GPU with a hack saw. This was a much quicker and cheaper option than going through the process of buying a new case. Once this was done, I cleaned the case of dust and rebuilt it. I used my old GPU, instead of the Vega 64, incase there were any problems. When I went to turn it on, it would only power the fans and not output to my monitor again.
Now when I press the power button, the fans turn on for a few seconds. Then they turn off and back on automatically and stay on (this cycle would also happen when everything was out of the case, but then it would start booting). I went through the same process as last time, but it didn't work this time. I also tried disconnecting all of my drives as well as removing all of the RAM, to no avail. I've reset the BIOS and replaced the battery, but that didn't help either. Finally, I have an old VGA monitor, so I connected it directly via the motherboard (Asus P8Z77-V LX), with no success.
I don't hear error code beeps from the motherboard. Tomorrow I will bring my PSU into college, where on of the technicians will test it to see of it's the problem. In the meanwhile, do you have any other ideas on how to troubleshoot this? When I was moving the motherboard, I left my heatsink attached. It's quite heavy, so in retrospect this could have caused some damage. The specs on my system should be on my signature (except for the new Vega 64).
TLDR; My desktop won't boot. The fans turn on, but I don't get any output to my monitor, no matter which GPU I use, or how many components I remove. Any help in troubleshooting would be great.
I began by taking everything out of the case. However, before modding the case, I wanted to make sure that the new GPU worked. Therefore I powered my system on while it was out of the case. I kept my old GPU in, just incase something got damaged (I would much rather damage an old 6950 than a new Vega 64). However, the system wouldn't boot. The fans and lights (apart from the mouse and keyboard backlights) would turn on, but nothing would appear on the screen.
After reseating the CPU (2500k) and RAM (4x4GB Corsair RAM) and removing my WIFI and sound cards, I managed to get the BIOS screen. However, Windows 7, installed on my SSD, wouldn't boot (I didn't even get the logo). I had Ubuntu 16.04 installed on another drive and I managed boot it. I finally managed to get Windows to boot by selecting it in GRUB (oddly it didn't work the first few times, but then it did). Now that I could boot Windows, I installed my new card and everything was great. Now it was time to make space in the case.
Once the case was stripped bare, I went into a separate room (to avoid metal dust getting anywhere near the bare components) and cut the part of the HDD slot that was in the way of the GPU with a hack saw. This was a much quicker and cheaper option than going through the process of buying a new case. Once this was done, I cleaned the case of dust and rebuilt it. I used my old GPU, instead of the Vega 64, incase there were any problems. When I went to turn it on, it would only power the fans and not output to my monitor again.
Now when I press the power button, the fans turn on for a few seconds. Then they turn off and back on automatically and stay on (this cycle would also happen when everything was out of the case, but then it would start booting). I went through the same process as last time, but it didn't work this time. I also tried disconnecting all of my drives as well as removing all of the RAM, to no avail. I've reset the BIOS and replaced the battery, but that didn't help either. Finally, I have an old VGA monitor, so I connected it directly via the motherboard (Asus P8Z77-V LX), with no success.
I don't hear error code beeps from the motherboard. Tomorrow I will bring my PSU into college, where on of the technicians will test it to see of it's the problem. In the meanwhile, do you have any other ideas on how to troubleshoot this? When I was moving the motherboard, I left my heatsink attached. It's quite heavy, so in retrospect this could have caused some damage. The specs on my system should be on my signature (except for the new Vega 64).
TLDR; My desktop won't boot. The fans turn on, but I don't get any output to my monitor, no matter which GPU I use, or how many components I remove. Any help in troubleshooting would be great.