Question PC not booting ?

Himanshu Panchal

May 5, 2017
For some reason, my PC is not booting up. All the information related to the motherboard is displayed, like the BIOS can be opened. The BIOS opens if you press delete key when turning on the PC. But if I don't open the BIOS, the PC turns on, shows the first display with the motherboard version and MSI logo, then another logo appears. After that, the PC stops giving output, the display signal is gone, and the keyboard stops working. There's no output at all, but the PC is running. However, it is still not functioning properly. What should I do to fix this? Please give me a solution so I can repair it.
After that, the PC stops giving output, the display signal is gone, and the keyboard stops working.
There's no output at all, but the PC is running.
Do you have multiple screens connected?
Windows desktop might be on the other - turned off screen.

List full specs of your system.
Does it have integrated GPU?
Try starting your system with discrete graphics card removed from system (if you have integrated GPU).
Jun 24, 2024
For some reason, my PC is not booting up. All the information related to the motherboard is displayed, like the BIOS can be opened. The BIOS opens if you press delete when turning on the PC. But if I don't open the BIOS, the PC turns on, shows the first display with the motherboard version and MSI logo, then another logo appears. After that, the PC stops giving output, the display signal is gone, and the keyboard stops working. There's no output at all, but the PC is running. However, it is still not functioning properly. What should I do to fix this? Please give me a solution so I can repair it.
Hello . i want to help you with sum of actions to follow for the repairs of your pc
1) Try resetting the Bios settings. after the ACCESS which is displayed F2 Or F12.
IT IS POSSIBLE that your computer will start...
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2) If you have a Windows installation CD... after booting. The Repair Windows option will be displayed.
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3) If you have an HDD... It should be noted if there is the Simulated Deratage noise with the light flashing...
in this case it is the problem HDD Defective. OR DAMAGED
4) if you have an SSD check if the SSD Lamp is in Continuous Light. in this case . no problem Electro in SSD
. If Light Flashes with rithm.. IT'S THE PROBLEM OF SSD Deffecteux
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5) notice them according to my experience. as System errors. and unwanted Software... can sometimes slightly damage the HDD and even the SSD. AND AT THE END the result is Primary Disk Trouble.
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6) in this case of Problematic N 5)
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You must have another hard drive. already in working order. and with windows Installed on this hard drive.
After unplugging from the power plug... Plug the hard drive into a specific plug.
If the System starts and Windows startup is Normal.
In this case you must 1) Either connect your hard drive as secondary to another computer. and put it back to factory condition.. with FAT32 formatting.
and I advise you on the Recuva file recovery tool.. with another USB DRIVE. OR A USB KEY. WITH SUFFICIENT CAPACITY TO store recovered files.
If you find any of these steps complicated. Do not hesitate to send me a message .
Good luck
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