S4lad :
I have Windows 10 , and when I try to shutdown my pc, windows shuts down , Display tells me that theres no signal, but my power button is lit and fans are working.I let my PC shut down for an hour, no results, power button lit and fans working.
Ok lets try something. Does your computer shut down if you shut down immediately from the Windows 10 login screen.
I ask this because during the shutdown process. The system will purge the drivers your screen will go black after the GPU driver is unloaded but the system has not finished the shutdown process. I have had this issue recently and was related to the Primocache driver in versions 2.7.x recently fixed in 3.0.0 beta (just a note if you use that application).
Basically if this is the issue I would look into any drivers you updated before the issue popped up or applications with low level support drivers (Antivirus software, Virtual Machine software, Caching applications, etc).