PC on and lights, peripherals have no lights, and no signal on monitor


Jun 15, 2017
Today I wanted to play, as usual for me, almost every day. However, when I started my PC, its fans, and lights worked, but my kb and mouse had no lights, whereas they are rgb. My monitor got no signal neither. One surprising thing though, that I have a HyperX Cloud II, and the usb soundcard of it lights red, so it gets power actually. At this point, I do not understand. I tried to change usb ports, nothing. I also tried 1 stick of RAM, or changing them in different ports, nothing. Tried to unplug power, push power button for 20 secs, nothing. It really freaks me out, since I just have bought a new mobo, because my older one does not work only after 1 year. My build: R5 1600, 2x8GB Corsair LPX 3000mhz, Msi B350 Pc Mate (back then, it was Aorus X370 gaming k5), Asus ROG Vega 56, Corsair CX 650M. Please help me, something always stop working in this PC for some reason, and I am so sad about it. :(


Jun 15, 2017
Thanks for the answer! I removed my gpu, everything is the same. It is a bit surprising though, that "EZ debug" which means there are red leds ond the mobo, didn't light up at VGA, when it it was plugged out. I would try clearing CMOS, but I do not know how to do it. I don't have any jumper to put it on the header, as the manual says. And my manual says that it should be soft-off, however I turned on ErP in order to make my GPU power leds turn off egen my PC is turned off, is that a problem now?


Jun 15, 2017
I have tried to use the jumper, it worked. My kb and mouse have their lights on, however, debug BIOS led is lighting, and no signal on the monitor. What happened now?