PC or monitor glitching.


Jun 20, 2015
Hi, my monitor or PC seems to be having issues. Whenever I try to play any game, if I move around ingame, the monitor displays patches of pink, red and sometimes green. I am using a PC with an i5 4460 and integrated graphics. I don't really know what is happening, it has been doing this for as long as I can remember. I have made sure everything is tightly plugged in, like the HDMI, DisplayPort, EVERYTHING. I have a Z97S SLI Krait Edition mobo, idk if it is worth mentioning. I also have Windows 10 as my OS, everything installed onto a Seagate 1TB HDD.

Does anyone have any suggestions why this is happening?

- HaZeFaMe

No, I don't have any GPU installed. I am running off the integrated HD 4600 graphics.