I recently upgraded to Crossfire and its been great ( I can now do 4k). There is one major problem... My 2nd (Bottom one) is a 7870tahit and it gets real hot, it runs at ~90C and once it reaches around 92C it makes my PC crash and the screen gets black with random dirty white lines near the top and then shuts off, during this process the headphones make a terrible noise sounding like baaaaaa electronically. The 1st gpu 7950, is at a good temp. (77-85c) and does not make issues. Note all fans are on max rpm. What can I do to fix it?

I recently upgraded to Crossfire and its been great ( I can now do 4k). There is one major problem... My 2nd (Bottom one) is a 7870tahit and it gets real hot, it runs at ~90C and once it reaches around 92C it makes my PC crash and the screen gets black with random dirty white lines near the top and then shuts off, during this process the headphones make a terrible noise sounding like baaaaaa electronically. The 1st gpu 7950, is at a good temp. (77-85c) and does not make issues. Note all fans are on max rpm. What can I do to fix it?