I have a gaming PC, probably 6 years old now. Just today when I was watching a video on YouTube it froze requiring me to hard restart. This has happened a few times over the years doing various things so I thought nothing of it. I restarted but then it kept freezing within at least 5 minutes. I opened up the PC and cleaned/checked the fans and all was good. After starting it and limiting the programs/wifi connecting I defragmented both my hard drives. I have one solid state running my OS and then two disk drives synced up in RAID for my main storage. After that I restarted and ran a memory check, all came back clear. I have updated my drivers for everything, starting with essentials and moving up from there. Everything seems fine now except when I try to open anything a little more intensive, programs like Overwatch or a game off of Steam. I usually can get into a loading screen or the main menu and then it freezes again. Any thoughts or ideas on what it could be? I am running Windows 10.