You are not helping yourself much.
For recent example: "I forgot which test failed."
You must pay attention, take notes, screenshots, be methodical, and careful.
Likewise - you decided: "Now, it's set to "AMD Ryzen High Performance" and I set the "Processor Power Management" setting to 100% for both the maximum and minimum processor power states."
Why? Reasons - expectations?
Okay: fair enough to simply give that a try. However, were you careful not to change anything else?
My suggestion is that you simply stop for a bit and do some review and focused "discovery".
The described problems are, for the most part "Critical Events".
What I suggest that you do is to use Reliability History/Monitor and Event Viewer to look for as many critical events (Red circles) as you can find. Make a list of them including Event IDs.
Likely you will find many other things: warnings (Yellow triangles) and informational entries.
Focus on the critical errors first.
Start with the proverbial big picture.
Open Event Viewer with Admin rights.
Select Windows Logs.
A pop up window should appear listing the five major logs: Application, Security, Setup, System, and Forwarded Events along with Name, Number of Events, and Size.
Take a screenshot so all can be seen and post the screen here via imgur (
Then open each individual Windows log and do the same. Sometimes windows may be a bit slow especially if the logs are very big. Possibly thousands of entries......
You do not need to rush and do not let yourself get distracted by any given discovery.
The objective is simply make a concentrated effort to learn more about what Windows is "seeing".
If you see lots of Red Circles somewhere (Reliabiity History/Monitor for example) again take some screenshots of the full screen and post.
Then the next step is to look at the critical errors (individually and collectively) that you find and troubleshoot accordingly.
It may be possible to do some filtering simply to narrow down the search results. Keep that in mind.
My sense of it all is that the system is very much amiss and that the end result will be the need for a clean install. Like it or not. Plan accordingly.
Have you been backing up everything that is important? You need multiple backups to locations away from the computer in question. Verify that the backups are recoverable and readable.
Help yourself.