PC Randomly resets NEED HELP!


Feb 12, 2016
Hi, I'm having problems with my (fairly) new gaming PC. At first, everything worked just fine, even on the most demanding games, I've never had an overheating issue. But a month ago, something strange started to happen.
I was playing Injustice 2 and while I was picking my character, suddenly everything went black (no BSOD), coolers, leds, everything shut off. Then it tried to reboot, like 3 or 4 times. Coolers would go crazy for 2 or 3 seconds and then it would shut off again and attempt to reboot after a couple seconds. First time I went to the BIOS to see if it was a temp issue, but my CPU was working at around 26°C and GPU was at 32°C.
At first, this happened only while playing Injustice 2, but then it started happening while playing other games. It also happened while picking a character in MK X, after a LoL match, while playing MMOs like SWTOR or TESO, and now it also started to happen while not gaming at all. Like, yesterday I was about to shut down the PC, and right when I clicked "shut down", it happened again. And since then, it began to happen while trying to boot. Sometimes it would reach the windows login screen before rebooting; sometimes, after exiting the BIOS.
I'm at a loss at what could be causing this issue. I think it may be a MB issue, or maybe a RAM issue, but I can't be sure.

My specs are:

CPU: Intel I7 8700k 3.7 Ghz
MoBo: Aorus Z370 Gaming 3
RAM: Corsair Venheance LPX 3200mhz 2x8 Gb
HDD & SDD: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1tb / Kingston SSD 240 Gb
GPU: GTX 1070 Ti Asus Strix
PSU: XFX XTR 750W 80+ Gold

Everything is less than 6 months old, except for the PSU, which is about 2 and a half years old.

PS: I don't know if this makes any difference, but most times I had this problem, I was entering or exiting a menu, or switching options inside a menu, or in things like character select.

EDIT: It just happened again, right after posting this.
So, I decided to check Windows' Event Viewer and I found a lot of errors and warnings, but what was most interesting is that every time my pc shut down, there was a Kernel-Power 41 (63) critical error. Before most critical errors, there was a volmgr error (but sometimes there wouldn't be any errors prior to the critical error).
I googled the error, but it seems it may be caused by several things, like drivers, PSU or pretty much anything.
Random resets followed by loud fan noise could be related to several faulty hardware components,
According to your details it seems that your system board/RAM or PSU might case the issue,

I would recommend doing the following steps to diagnose the problem,

1. Run MemTest86 for testing possible issues with RAM - https://www.memtest86.com/

2. Run Intel CPU Diagnostic Tool - https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/19792/Intel-Processor-Diagnostic-Tool

3. Unplug GPU,Hard drives and peripherals, then launch the BIOS menu and let it stay for some time or even try to navigate the BIOS to check if PC shuts down when no additional hardware connected.

3. Try temporarily swapping a good known PSU since yours is two years old and could cause the issue.

4. If issue persists after all these steps, I would RMA your motherboard.

Thanks, I'm going to try that. Sadly, I don't have a spare PSA.
I think I can get the retailer to give me a new MoBo, RAM and CPU, since I bought everything at the same store and they offered a 1 year warranty on top of the manufacturer's warranty.
Sorry to revive this old post, but after a month, my problem came back.
I sent the MoBo, RAM, CPU and cooler to the store where I bought them. They tested everything and found nothing wrong. Then they asked to test my PSU with a tester. Everything checked out fine, too. They updated the BIOS and gave me everything back. After that, my problem seemed to have dissappeared... unitl now.
So, I purchased Kingdom Come Deliverance on Steam recently, and after installing the game, went to the settings to check everything was set on High (should be able to run it on Ultra, right?). After clicking "confirm", the game asked to reload in order to make the changes to the settings, I said "yeah, sure, why not?". A loading screen followed and as soon as it finished loading, my pc crashed. After that, I tried playing the game once again, thinking it may have been an isolated event, but as soon as the first cutscene ended, another loading screen followed and after it was done, again, my pc crashed and rebooted itself.
After that, I refunded the game, thinking it was the cause of this issue, but then today, while playing The Elder Scrolls Online, my PC crashed 2 times. Now, I'm sure it's not a temp issue (CPU is at 30°, GPU at 36°), I know it can't be the PSU, since it was tested and found to be in perfect condition, the same for the MoBO, RAM and CPU.
All drivers are up to date, could it be an OS issue? The only thing I have not tested is the GPU, don't know if there is any tool to check it's health status. My HDD and SSD appear to be in good conditions (used Crystal Dysk Info to check their health).
Did the PC crash while running Benchmark?

Try to unplug GPU from motherboard, connect monitor to onboard graphics, then run the Benchmark, it would the best test to confirm that it's your GPU or not.

CPU/RAM/GPU are not overclocked?

Hi, thanks for the repply. Yes, as soon as Heavens Benchmark finished loading, the PC shut down.
I'll try unplugging the gpu next. Though, it's a new gpu, 6 months old at most.
RAM has XMP enabled, though disabling it doesn't make any difference. GPU was never overclocked. The CPU is a bit strange, I never overclocked it, but it's running at 4.3ghz instead of 3.7ghz. Maybe it is set to overclock by default?

3.7Ghz is a idle frequency, i7 8700K supports max 4.7Ghz frequency at turbo mode, it is increases automatically when you run heavy software/multi tasking.
Ok, so I unplugged the GPU and run Heaven's Benchmark and it worked (I only tested it for a minute or so, but previosly, with the GPU on, my PC would reboot after 1 second). Does this mean I have a faulty GPU? Or is it a drivers issue? Or maybe the PSU isn't giving the GPU all the power it requires?
And about the CPU, you say it increases the freq automatically when running heavy software, but my PC automatically puts it at 4.3ghz as soon as I turn it on. 5 seconds after turning on my PC, if I check the BIOS, the CPU is already running at 4.3ghz
Ok, so I RMA the GPU, since everything else seemed to be working fine, and I've been using the PC without it. Today, everything started again, while on YouTube, the PC shut down and it started to reboot over and ovwr again, the fans would start spinning and then stop, etc.
I did notice something interesting, though. There's a red led light that turned on the first time the PC shut down, and it would turn on every time since then.
I'm really frustrated by this, I really don't know what else to do, buying new hardware is really really expensive in my country.