Question PC randomly turns off during gaming after new GPU


Sep 15, 2017
So my friend's PC randomly BSODs after installing a 3070 when playing games such as Monster Hunter World, Marvel Rivals, and Valorant. Seemingly the more demanding it is, the faster it crashes. We noticed drops in utilization for both CPU and GPU

What we tried

- Upgrading PSU
- Factory reset
- Updating all drivers
- Wiping GPU drivers and installing new ones
- Checking the hard drive

Here is the Hwmonitor logs when he was playing Monster Hunter World before the crash
Look in Reliability History/Monitor and Event Viewer.

Either one or both tools may be capturing some error codes, warnings, or even informational events just prior to or at the time of the BSODs.

Any given entry can be clicked to obtain more details. The details may or may not be helpful.
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So we went to event viewer and we got a couple logs

- First one says: Event ID 6008, Level: Error, "The previous system shutdown at this time was unexpected"
- The second one says: Event ID 41, Task Category: 63, Level: Critical, "The system has rebooted without cleaning and shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly."
- The third one: Event ID: 1001, Level: Error, "The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was 0x00000001e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xffffff80a4de0a569, 0x0000000000000000, 0xffffffffffffffff) A dump was saved in this location.

So when we used whocrash to look at the dump, it points at a "Kmode Exception Not Handled" with a "nepzy8gmvp.sys" driver.

After we used Driver Verifier, some games would run but terrible while others immediately crash the PC with "DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION" stop with with a "What Failed: vgk.sys"

So we turned back the Driver Verifier and it games would play for short time until we get the Kmode Exception crash.