So today I replaced my cpu in my PC and now my build gets no signal and no power to the keyboard or mouse. Everything on my pc was working before I changed the cpu. My PC still turns on the case all lights up the fans spin the graphics card fires up. I tried resetting the CMOS went over all the things plugged in reinserted my RAM but as I stated above everything was working before then like minutes before. I was wondering what the problem could be.
Motherboard asus prime x-570
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5000 series
Graphics card NVIDIA 1660’super
RAM 16 GB ballistiks
PSU is either 550 or 650 watts
I have windows 11
Case HZXT H510
Motherboard asus prime x-570
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5000 series
Graphics card NVIDIA 1660’super
RAM 16 GB ballistiks
PSU is either 550 or 650 watts
I have windows 11
Case HZXT H510