[SOLVED] pc running slow and freezing

Nov 28, 2019
so recently i dropped my pc )im an idiot i know) and it has begun to run waaay slower and its only getting worse. whenever i play games for example i always get freezes and low fps. this is mostly when loading in new stuff but not only. this also for games that really dont require a lot of power, brawlhalla as an example. not only games are slower but just general windows as well. my ram usage is at like 90`even when im not doing anything, i currently have 8 gigs of ram. so my question is what component can cause this.
you will have to check all

temperatures of GPU and CPU, eventually only the CPU cooler has moved or a cable blocks a fan
HDD: download the manufactuerer´s tool of the hard drive check for errors
Ram: use the memtest.org USB autoinstaller, boot and test at least one complete cycle of all tests
you will have to check all

temperatures of GPU and CPU, eventually only the CPU cooler has moved or a cable blocks a fan
HDD: download the manufactuerer´s tool of the hard drive check for errors
Ram: use the memtest.org USB autoinstaller, boot and test at least one complete cycle of all tests

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