Agree with above mate, you don't need the cooler if your not overclocking. Also, a couple of other points:
1. You have a Freesync monitor listed but are buying an Nvidia 1060, the Freesync will not function with Nvidia Cards, it is designed for AMD cards only mate so either get an AMD card or Look for a G-Sync monitor to funtion with the 1060.
2. Do you have a valid reason for the extra ethernet card mate ? Why dont you use the ethernet port on the Motherboard ?
3. Cases are users choice but if you need to save a few bucks you can downgrade the case to something simpler, but your call, its purely a budget thing....
4. Good CPU choice !!!
5. Everything else looks fine bud, i would shop around though, look at MSI and MWave to see if you can get a better deal on some or all of the components