A akashkc069 Aug 16, 2018 1 0 10 Aug 16, 2018 #1 My cpu automatically shutdowns after 30min. It was happening from after upgrading cpu p4 to i5
Solution Darkbreeze Aug 16, 2018 No way you could upgrade a Pentium 4 to a Core i5. They are totally different generations using totally different chipsets and sockets.
No way you could upgrade a Pentium 4 to a Core i5. They are totally different generations using totally different chipsets and sockets.
K krzyimprt Distinguished Mar 25, 2013 1,220 6 20,965 Aug 16, 2018 #2 Pentium 4 to i5? Doesn't seem possible. System specs? Upvote 0 Downvote
Darkbreeze Retired Mod Jun 24, 2014 82,114 8,136 176,790 Aug 16, 2018 Solution #3 No way you could upgrade a Pentium 4 to a Core i5. They are totally different generations using totally different chipsets and sockets. Upvote 1 Downvote Solution
No way you could upgrade a Pentium 4 to a Core i5. They are totally different generations using totally different chipsets and sockets.