PC Shutting Down Randomly


Aug 8, 2014
For a few months my home built pc would shut down will playing a game, I bought some thermal paste and it worked for a while, then it started shutting off again. My GPU and CPU temps were never dangerously high, and I ruled out viruses.

Nvidia GTX 550 Ti
AMD 760K 4X 3.8 GHZ
500 Watt PSU
You say the temps were never high, but that's a common mistake of people not knowing the exact temperature their CPU is allowed to run at.

Please download Open HW Monitor and run it in background while playing games and then report max temperatures of your CPU and GPU.
Before buying my parts I found out what temps they were allowed to run at and it was no where near there. I was getting those Kernel Power 41 errors, so it could be my PSU. LOGISYS Computer PS575XBK 575W ATX12V SLI Ready Power Supply

75 is way more than it should be. Max allowed temp for your CPU is 74. It begins to have issues over 70, and it is recommended to keep it below 60 at all times for longevity sake.

Like I said, even if it seems like a good temp, it is mandatory to check first, not guess. Intels can go to 100C, AMDs usually start throttling way lower than this.

Another possibiltiy is there is something touching the motherboard (screws, case side panel) and I've heard about it happening before. Even happened on my new 386 build. I needed to install stand offs so the mobo wouldnt touch the case metal.

Could be, I do have a micro atx MOBO in a full tower case. I will take a look, thank you.