Question PC shutting off, rebooting and resetting the time, going to default Windows desktop on login screen


Jan 27, 2021
I don't know where this one would go since I don't see a seperate "troubleshooting" forum. Basically what has been happening is over the last couple of weeks whenever I'd switch my system would quick reboot within ten seconds of switching on and then post, proceed to the windows login screen with the default login wallpaper and display the time that I last shut the system down and not automatically adjust the time. It'd run fine the majority of the time it was left on and even showed no problems when put in sleep mode and woken up. I did theorise it might be the motherboard's battery due to the clock thing.

This is a thing that I don't recally really happening much before I updated the motherboard's BIOS to the latest version at the time that I did that.

It stopped doing this for a few days running up to this morning when it decided to reboot minutes it'd loaded into Windows. The reboot in this case was preceeded by the monitor blacking out a couple of times and the screen text on a page garbling up.

I noticed that the garbled up screen text was a thing that kept happening even last year along with artefacting but I chalked this down to GPU sag due to moving my system into a new case that rendered the anti sag pillar I previous had useless but I have since gotten a better anti sag bracket that seems to keep the GPU level. I have also updated the GPU drivers this morning. As of typing this up nothing has happened.

I do hope I just need to replace the battery on the motherboard or the new GPU drivers have fixed it. Anyone have any ideas what might be happening?


B760 Tomahawk DDR4
32GB Kingston Fury Beast 3200MHz
12700KF running stock
Fractal Lumen S24 (will upgrade)
Thermaltake GF-3 1650
TUF 3080


Look in Reliability History/Monitor and Event Viewer for error codes, warnings, or even informational events being captured and logged just before or at the times of the described problems.

= = = =

Start by replacing the CMOS battery via the Motherboards User Guide/Manual.

Ensure that the system is obtaining date and time information from an applicable source.

If replacing the batter works then hopefully all else will be well.

If the problems continue then continue with other possible fixes. E.g.:

Run the built in Windows Troubleshooters. The troubleshooters may find and fix something.

Try "dism" and "sfc /scannow" to find and fix corrupted files.

Also ensure that all important data is backed up at least 2 x to locations away from the problem computer.

Verify that the backups are recoverable and readable.

Just in case.....


Jan 27, 2021
Did not know reliability history was a thing.

I can only go back to 30th May. A recurring trend I'm seeing all the way back to that is LEDKeeper2 "Stopped working", failed Windows updates in warning (which then also confirms successful updates in information events). A lot of "windows was not properly shut down" despite always shutting down as normal when I select shutdown from power options. Today I see 2 Hardware Errors in critical events, BAD_DUMPFILE, "LKD_0x117_Tdr:A_IMAGE_nvlddmkm.sys_Ampere". None of the problem signatures make any sense to me as I'm not coder minded.

rebooting thing happened again this morning.
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