Question pc slow down when watching videos or playing games. Help please.

Mar 1, 2019
So yesterday (Feburary 28, 2019), my pc started to act funny during some games. Game just started getting lags. Thought nothing much about as I swapped over to watching some youtube videos, but then that started getting some lag as well. Called my isp, did the whole thing with resetting modem and such and as a final ditch attempted, reseted the pc (Keeping the files option though).

The reset didn't do too much as youtube videos still lag like crazy and playing any games gives it some notable fps issues (hovering around 45-50 instead of the normal 60). When I play videos that I own, I don't get any of the lag. The games still hovers around 45-60 though when I play offline. Any help is appreciated.

Here's my pc specs.
CPU: i7-7700k
GPU gtx 1070
24 gb ram
Windows 10 Home edition
3 tb hdd (each split as 1 tb hdd separate drives i.e c/ d/ e/ etc.)
This is the best I can do while msi afterburner is slowly installing.
And for some reason MSI afterburner is not opening. Exact error is as follows.

The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
Diagnostics then.... hdd failure RUN - CMD, type chkdsk /f /r select Y for yes. If you have a failing hdd or corrupt hdd windows will try to read and read and re-read slowing things down. Reboot and let it run. Also check task manager to see which processes are utililizing the CPU. Additional, Youtube is network based.... could be your internet connection speed.