PC Specs for CSGO Gaming


Oct 1, 2016
Hello all, here are the specs to my current PC I was wondering if this would be able to play csgo with a decent frame rate and do you think it would run on high settings?

Mobo: Asus m2n-mx se plus
CPU: AMD athlon64 x2 6000+ windsor
Ram: 4gb ddr2 1066
GPU: geforce 960 2gb
PSU: 400watt
HDD: 80gb sata3

Thank you for looking and before you ask, I DONT have the means to upgrade, I was just wondering if anyone had any knowledge or experience with these certain parts.

You can most probably play CS:GO with very high settings at 1920*1080 pixel monitor with maybe at 30-40 FPS. Its hard to say. Your pc is old, but your graphics card is good. CS:GO is very cpu hungry and your graphics card can't show its full potential with this ancient system. The cpu is from 2007 and you have old DDR2 memory. I looked at these links
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrCcbURwFhw
> http://techreport.com/review/11886/amd-athlon-64-x2-6000-processor/4
> http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/cpus/2007/02/22/amd_athlon_64_x2_6000/7

If not, you can lower the quality settings to medium and resolution too. Then you should definitely get something over 60 FPS I think. But this is gambling.
You can most probably play CS:GO with very high settings at 1920*1080 pixel monitor with maybe at 30-40 FPS. Its hard to say. Your pc is old, but your graphics card is good. CS:GO is very cpu hungry and your graphics card can't show its full potential with this ancient system. The cpu is from 2007 and you have old DDR2 memory. I looked at these links
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrCcbURwFhw
> http://techreport.com/review/11886/amd-athlon-64-x2-6000-processor/4
> http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/cpus/2007/02/22/amd_athlon_64_x2_6000/7

If not, you can lower the quality settings to medium and resolution too. Then you should definitely get something over 60 FPS I think. But this is gambling.