PC Starts up for 25 seconds than turns off for 3 seconds, and starts back up.

Mar 26, 2018
So I was having some issues with getting the most recent Windows 10 update so I was talking to a Microsoft Support person and my PC just shut down. I waited and it started up, fans running (NOT my GPU fans though) and all my LED turn on for around 25 seconds than it shuts down for 3 seconds and starts back up. This keeps repeating. Also, my monitor has a static effect and the HDMI output wasn't working. I managed to fix the static effect but my monitor still says no signal when the HDMI is plugged into my pc. All my gear as well isn't working. Both the USB and HDMI ports are all connected to the motherboard so is there a problem with that maybe? I got a new HDMI cable, that didn't work. I unplugged both my PC and monitor for 30 seconds, that didn't work. I even went and made sure everything inside and out of the PC was all pushed in and secure.
Anyone know whats wrong?
I'm back again with my machine fixed this time. Turns out it was the case. (it was made of metal and it shorted my motherboard from static.
Try these steps,

I. Pull everything out of your case (i.e. mobo, graphics card), leave only your psu in the case because we're
gonna need it later.

II. Assemble everything on a piece of cardboard.

III. Don't connect those tiny little cables to your motherboard (power switch led, hd led), we don't need those now.

IV. Now that everythings all set on your nice little piece of cardboard, powered up everything and hook it up
to a monitor.

V. Get a little screwdriver and short the power sw or the power button pins and hold it there for a good
1~2 seconds,

I'm having the same problem too and currently seeking for the solution. I don't think the cause was from your graphics card because the fans normally won't spin unless it gets hot enough, kinda like a power saving feature. My graphics card, psu, hard drive and everything is working too it just wouldn't boot up (Everything spins and keyboard lighting up, and then dies in 5 second, and repeating itself in an endless loop). I'm suspecting that the cause is from the motherboard or the processor but I'm not entirely sure. *Also seeking for solution currently.

Edit : I was swapping out the stock cooler and replacing it with a Cooler Master T4 when this happened. i think it's possible that I might have accidentally damaged the processor area (where the capacitors sit) and screwed it. I'm gonna swap it out again and use it with the stock cooler now, will keep you updated.
I've tried swapping it out along with the graphics card but unfortunately it wasn't the fan nor the graphics card itself was causing the problem. I'm assuming it's the motherboard (most likely). Try getting a spare motherboard to test it out and see it it works normally.
I'm back again with my machine fixed this time. Turns out it was the case. (it was made of metal and it shorted my motherboard from static.
Try these steps,

I. Pull everything out of your case (i.e. mobo, graphics card), leave only your psu in the case because we're
gonna need it later.

II. Assemble everything on a piece of cardboard.

III. Don't connect those tiny little cables to your motherboard (power switch led, hd led), we don't need those now.

IV. Now that everythings all set on your nice little piece of cardboard, powered up everything and hook it up
to a monitor.

V. Get a little screwdriver and short the power sw or the power button pins and hold it there for a good
1~2 seconds,
your machine should come alive and fans will be running. (obviously)

VI. The motherboard's logo should now appear on your monitor and everything should be up and running if
it's handled correctly.

VII. Now everything's settled, try to spot any loose metal bits or screws in your case, because it might be the cause as it can short your motherboard (even static is possible to short it). Align your board in a position that it isn't bent or whatsoever that might cause possible boot failure again.

If this doesn't solve your problem, you should contact your manufacture's technician or something.
