Question PC stuck in a boot loop after changing cases. Ive tried EVERYTHING, am i missing something obvious?

Jul 20, 2024
So Im desperate for help. My PC was running hot, and i remembered that i had a massive coolermaster storm case in my loft from years ago and decided to change it over to use that for the increase airflow and have more fans as the current case was a tiny tiny compact one. So i change everything over and it gets stuck in a boot loop now. I cannot get to the bottom of it and am loosing my mind here.

System is :

Ryzen 7600cpu, Gigabyte B650M K, 16gigs (2 sticks) of HyperX 5600mhz ram

are the main parts.

I changed my 120mm aio and put back on the wraith stealth cooler to see what kind of temps that gives as the aio is old and was getting a bit gurgly so i assumed it had lost some coolant volume. doesnt matter still have the wraith stealth to try. But i get this boot loop where i see the BIOS splash screen then restart. i left it wondering if it was doing expo set up, or memory timing, or auto overclocks etc but it never ends. So i started taking out parts that could be effecting it.

I have:

changed power supply,

Disconnected extra fans and front panel,

disconnected any superfluous peripherals, and other connections,

took out ram sticks,

swapped ram slots, used each of the single sticks,

took out the gpu,

checked, reseated, repasted the cpu cooler,

checked all connections,

took out the sata hard drive and the m.2

hit the bios reset switch on the back of the io panel,

took the cmos batter out for 5-10 mins ans shorted the cmos jumpers,

checked for grounding or shorting issues from the case,

everything i can think of. I now have just the motherboard, with 1 stick of ram, and the power supply siting on a box and when i boot it up, it still boot loops. So it seems like its either motherboard or cpu somehow. When i hit DEL to enter bios i always get a message about the BIOS resetting and any options i change in the bios and save and restart dont seem to take effect when i next go into the bios - i get the same message and everything reset again. does ANYone have ANY suggestions as to what could be the issue? im open to anything. even hail mary wild ridiculous suggestions.