Question PC stuck on motherboard screen - Takes 1-2 tries to boot up

Feb 5, 2021
Hey guys!

So I was away for 3 months and had my PC unplugged and totally dormant. The first time I booted it up, it was stuck on the motherboard screen. I turned it off completely and tried again twice and it was able to login. This seems to happen every time I shut down my PC completely (restarts and hibernate have no issues weirdly).

  • It runs perfectly fine once it boots up. No lags or hanging whatsoever.
  • When I let the PC sit on the stuck motherboard screen, it eventually enters into BIOS. In the main tab where the ram and stuff was displayed, I did not see my SDD showing up.
Could it be an SDD issue? Again the PC runs perfectly fine upon booting so I was assuming everything's fine with the SDD.
I know my way around a bit, but I am unfamiliar with the BIOS and stuff, so would appreciate a little more detail on those - if the issue lies there.

Appreciate the help!

System Info -
Processor - AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Motherboard - ASRock, AMD B450
BIOS Version - P1.50, 2019-10-14
SMBIOS Version - 3.2
RAM - 16gigs
GPU - Nvidia RTX 2600 Super
SSD - 500gb
PSU - Rosewill 550W 80+ Bronze
No overclocks

The PC is less than a year old. Bought prebuilt April 2020 from Newegg -

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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

We're going to need a little more information. Can you please pass on the (full)specs for your system? When in BIOS, can you check and see what BIOS version you're on? Include the age of your PSU(alongside it's make and model).