PC to SmartTV normal delay?


Nov 29, 2015
When using your TV as computer monitor, is the screen delays normal?

I've been using my 60 inch Samsung Smart TV as my PC monitor lately (through HDMI) and I noticed there is a tiny 1-2 seconds delay on the screen, the TV gets a split seconds delay.

I'm wondering if this is normal or is it just my devices? Anyone noticed the tiny delay while linking PC to TV? Or can I fix the delay to no delay?

It can be very normal. It is even an issue with console systems. With the game Rocksmith that I have, it directly tells you in the manual that there might be a delay.
The nice thing is that most newer TVs have a 'game mode' which addresses this issue and reduces the latency. With my TVs at home (LG and Coby) and that setting on, I don't exhibit the problem. It should be in you main display menu. Here is an example screen from a 2014 Samsung TV menu:
