Subhajitdas298 :
ko888 :
ATX12V Power Supply Design Guide Minimum Allowed Hold-Up Time: 16.0 ms
Corsair CX600/CX600M: 6.8 ms
Corsair CS650M: 11.6 ms
Corsair RM650: 12.8 ms
Those three models don't even meet ATX12V specs.
Hold-Up time is not the only thing you need to worry about when upgrading the PSU. You also need to determine if the new PSU's APFC (Active Power Factor Correction) circuit will be compatible with the UPS it will be plugged into.
Where did you find the hold times?
Hold-up time is defined as the amount of time, usually measured in milliseconds, that a PSU can maintain output regulations as defined by the ATX spec without input power. Another way of saying it is the amount of time that the system can continue to run without shutting down or rebooting during a power interruption event.
Corsair CS650M, CX600M and RM650 can be seen here:
Hold-up times that are too low are a result of using APFC capacitors that are too low in capacitance value. This is usually the case with budget level PSU's because lower capacitance value capacitors cost less and shaving cost is the primary concern.