PC turns on, No signal, keyboard/mouse.

Wrath Lool

May 3, 2013
So I was in my bios and I changed my CPU mode offset sign from + to -, I saved the settings and exited. When the PC restarted it came on perfectly fine but I am getting no signal on my monitor and my razer keyboard & mouse aren't coming on or lighting up.

My motherboard is a P8Z77-V LX
My CPU is a Intel Core i5 3470 3.20Ghz.
My RAM is G.Skill RipJawz 1866mhz 4 X 4
My GPU: Asus GeForce 660ti DirectCU II OC Edition.

I googled around and it said to take the battery out for 10 seconds and put it back in, I did that and no change, I also took the jumper from 1-2 and put it on 2-3 for 10 seconds then back again, Again no change.

Ive reseated the RAM/GPU and CPU and nothing seems to be working.

The pc turns on fine but nothing seems to be working.

Even my Corsair H80i pump LED changed from white to pink which is the colour I set it. All fans are working too.

Does anyone have any idea what I can do to try and solve this issue or should I just order a new motherboard?

Thank you.
Hello Wrath,

Yes, buying a new MB would solve the problem, the only things to consider is:

1. Is the CPU too old for the new board.
2. Are the memory cards too old as well.

The other components should be OK, as long as their slots aren't updated to some new standard.

Best check with a supplier first. Tell them what you got and see if your existing components will fit the new board.

Best of luck.
Power the machine off and then unplug the power cord from the wall or UPS so there is no power going into the PSU. Wait 3 - 5 minutes to let the capacitors fully discharge. While it is in that state remove the BIOS battery and discharge through the jumper for a minute or two.

I'm assuming your razr keyboard is a wired version. If it's not, get a wired keyboard and connect it. Then reverse the process to put it back together and try again using the keyboard to get into the BIOS and change the setting back..


Yes it is a wired keyboard, My computer has being left in a corner now for around 30 minutes not connected to any type of cables as im using a 2nd PC from 2002, its so old I plugged my SSD into it and it wouldnt boot up.

I will try to remove the battery and use the jumper for 2-3 minutes now.

If it works I will let you know. Thank you very much for your time.

I did what you said and still nothing has changed, no signal on monitor and keyboard/mouse aren't lighting up.

Anything else I can try or is my PC done?

Would getting a new motherboard solve this issue do you think?

I know, I have the manual, I already took the battery out and moved the jumper from pin 1-2 to 2-3. It doesn't change a thing.

If anyone is wondering why I changed my cpu offset mode, Before this issue I just had a bluescreen for WHEA_Uncorrectable_Error, I turned my PC back on and I googled around and it said it was something to do with my CPU voltage, and one person suggested to try and change it from + or auto to -, So I restarted my PC and changed the cpu offset mode from + to -, after that it doesnt seem to be working and im not quite sure why.

I think my best option is to buy a new motherboard, I really wanted to get it fixed though.
Can I ask, Wrath, did you follow the procedure on page 2-15, exactly?

I don't mean it to come across a put down.

If you noticed at the bottom of the page, it mentions something about a CPU Parameter Recall.

Have a look on page 3-37, it says something about recovering the BIOS by inserting the MB support DVD. I don't know if this will help, if it can't over ride what is there to allow the key board and the screen to work.
I did and I didn't It says.

The BIOS C.P.R featue automatically restores the CPU default settings when the system hangs due to overclocking. I don't think my system "hung" due to overclocking, I didn't change any speeds or voltages, I only changed the CPU offset mode from + to - which I don't know what that even does exactly,

But afterwards I saved the settings restarted my PC and now im having this issue.

My pc sadly doesnt have a optical drive, I built it myself a few years ago and didn't bother to buy one, But I don't think that would help anyway as my keyboard mouse and monitor don't seem to be getting recognized.
Hello Wrath,

I got the impression from the instructions, that the system would boot from the drive and you could fix the BOIS that way.

Motherboards are so cheap now, taking your MB to get repaired would be dearer that getting another one.

Would buying a new one solve it do you think? If so I will order a new one.

Hello Wrath,

Yes, buying a new MB would solve the problem, the only things to consider is:

1. Is the CPU too old for the new board.
2. Are the memory cards too old as well.

The other components should be OK, as long as their slots aren't updated to some new standard.

Best check with a supplier first. Tell them what you got and see if your existing components will fit the new board.

Best of luck.