PC underpreforming a bit


Apr 29, 2017
I built my computer about 3 months ago, since then I hav realised, that my in-game preformance wasnt as good as of the people with similar buils, who post "benchmarking" vids on Youtube. The fps difference is not enormous and all of my games are still 100% playable. Im just wondering what could cause differences in fps on similar builds.
CS:GO: I get about 90-200 fps on 1080p max settings in deathmatch. I have seen videos on youtube of similar and weaker builds that get about 40-60 fps more
TF2: Similar situation average fps is lower then common benchmarks by about 15%
Pretty much the same with any other game

My pc
fx 6300 @3.5 ghz
12 gb corsair 1333 mhz ram
gtx 1050 2gb (msi)
ASrock 970 extreme 3 r2.0

What could be the issue?
You said slower by 15%. To me I'm guessing they have better/bigger OC's on their systems. A stock 6300 with a stock 1050 will be 15% slower if another system if it's clocked 15% higher. My guess is if you look at the settings of not only the game but the system you'll be able to see why you are slightly slower.
When you compare gaming performance...you need to look at what CPU was used and at what overclock/speed. Second, was the GPU the same. Your cpu is on low end and the gpu is too...However, in games like CS:GO, low systems are still great. If you experiencing issues I would suggest overclocking that fx-6300. But really, that gpu is on low end and that could be the culprit too. But first, make sure you have a proper cpu cooler and overclock the 6300. That's all you can do unless you buy new parts.

That fx-6300 came out 5yrs ago . The 1050 is new but its best for 1080p and Medium settings.

I understand that my build isnt great for full HD max preformance, Im just wondering why other people with similar computer specs tend to get slightly higher fps then I do.


Similar isn't the same as the same. If someone has the same GPU but a 1050ti, not 1050, he will get higher fps. If someone has the 6300 overclocked to 4.4GHz that could help with low fps too. I'd suggest investing $35 in a cooler like the Cooler Master 212 EVO and overclock to 4.4GHz. Other than that, you can't do much more with what you have.

Also, don't compare your fps to a youtube video. The results vary a lot!!! I could give you my fps in BF1 but it changes on which map and how many players. As long as you are happy with the performance then there is no issue. Plus, I'm gonna assume you have a 1080p 60Hz monitor, so although you could get 90fps or more in CS:GO your monitor will only show 60fps. Monitors can also limit the actual results. So, don't worry about others and focus on whether your experience is good for you. Pro CS:GO gamers lower settings and have monitors capable of showing 144fps. You know what I mean?

I fully understand what you mean, the difference between my build and similar ones never bothered me, as I was still able to play games comfortably. I usually never play at high settings and tend to stick to lowest possible ones, as I play video games competetively (TF2). Nevertheless thanks a lot for the reply and have a good day:)

Hope I helped. It's tough to compare a PC to another when there are many different factors. Really...the important thing is...are you enjoying what you have? Of course if you spend more it can do more but the cost is important when choosing a pc that is right for you. Some people would criticize my build based on GPU, but for my gaming, it performs exceptionally well...so I don't care. Yes, I could get higher fps...but would I notice the difference between 85 and 100fps? I doubt it.

You have a new build. Take the time to learn how to maximize it through overclocking.
You said slower by 15%. To me I'm guessing they have better/bigger OC's on their systems. A stock 6300 with a stock 1050 will be 15% slower if another system if it's clocked 15% higher. My guess is if you look at the settings of not only the game but the system you'll be able to see why you are slightly slower.