PC Upgrade Help


Dec 24, 2012
Hello TH's users. Hope you are having a great time. I need some help with my PC. Here are some of the specs:

AMD FX-6100 OC'd @4 GHz
Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2P Rev. 4.0 Motherboard
Corsair TX-650 v2 PSU
Sapphire Radeon 6670
Cooler Master HAF 922
8 GB DDR3 RAM (2x4GB)

The thing is, when I bought my PC, I thought I was only going to use it to play Minecraft and watching videos on Youtube (and it does pretty well). But ever since I got it, I have been getting more and more into PC gaming. I bought Battlefield 3, Saints Row The Third, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Portal 1 and 2, the Humble THQ Bundle, and the list goes on and on.
But the problem is, my PC doesn't play very well some of these games, so I decided to upgrade it several times (I upgraded the PSU and the case). So now I want to upgrade it again, and I have 2 options:

-Upgrade my CPU and Mobo to an i5-3570k and a good ATX mobo with overclocking capabilities and SLI / Crossfire in case I decide to do it in the future. The budget for the mobo would be around $200 plus the i5.
-Upgrade my graphics card to a AMD 7950 or a Nvidia equivalent (I think I prefer AMD because of overclocking capabilities). The budget here is around $300.

Please tell me what you would do if you were in my position. I seriously don't know what to do. I mean I can upgrade the graphics card and wait for the Haswell processors (but I have read that they only improve the power consumption and the graphics, which I think I won't use because I'm using a graphics card). Or I could upgrade the CPU and wait for the AMD 8000 series which seem to be a major improvement and with competitive pricing.

Please tell me your suggestions and what Mobo/Graphics card would you buy. I would like them from sites like NewEgg and maybe Amazon.

Thanks for your time, and merry christmas!
I think that you would get better performance from the 7950 right now. Yes, the i5 surpasses that of the fx-6100 but, for playing games, the GPU is your biggest concern. There is just no comparison going from a 6670 to a 7950. You will see a major performance increase.
I think that you would get better performance from the 7950 right now. Yes, the i5 surpasses that of the fx-6100 but, for playing games, the GPU is your biggest concern. There is just no comparison going from a 6670 to a 7950. You will see a major performance increase.

Yeah I was thinking that but then I read that the 8000 series was going to have a big improvement over the 7000 and with aggressive pricing so the 7000 would have a major price drop so I didn't know If I should change my CPU because the next gen (Haswell) won't have a major improvement over the current gen. But anyways, thanks for the reply. What model of the 7950 do you recommend? Do you think I will be able to play on High/Ultra on BF3 still with the FX-6100? Also I forgot to mention I have a dual monitor setup one with 1920 x 1080 and the other has a lower resolution (I think 720p or even a little bit less). But I don't really use that much the lower resolution one so if it impacts gaming a lot I think I would just take it away.

That sound pretty cool 😀 I think I will get this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125414
Mainly because it looks like it has good air cooling and because if I have any problem I can get support from Gigabyte here in Mexico (I will ship it to an uncle that lives on the border because getting computer hardware here is a ******* ripoff, the 7950 costs almost $600). Thanks for your advice :)