PC Upgrade Issues


Nov 23, 2017
Hi, I recently upgrade my build's motherboard from a msi b250 pro-vd to an asrock b250 pro4 for future upgrades and nice aesthetics and that's when everything went to hell.

When i first changed the mobos i was able to boot into my windows 10 without having to reinstall it, but after installing the new drivers and using the pc for a bit i noticed that my fans were increasing and decreasing rpm constantly so i assumed it was a driver thing and decided to reinstall windows onto my main hdd.

When i went to install windows from my usb and deleted EVERYTHING from my 3 hdds in the installer, i got a message on all my hdds saying that windows was not able to be installed on any of my hdds. I tried using cmd to clean the disks and it still wouldn't work. So i went into UEFI but since im not used to being in their i couldn't really do much.

In the UEFI i also noticed that my cpu was getting WAY to hot. I didn't change the thermal paste on my cpu since the thermals were fine on my old mobo ( btw im using the intel stock cooler on both mobos) so i set all my fans to the max rpm to prevent thermal throttling. After not being able to install windows on my pc i went onto my laptop and downloaded ubuntu.

The install went fine til the part were their was a kernel error and i could not install it either. Worst Thanksgiving ever. Please help.

*UPDATE : I finally got windows 10 to install on one of my hdd by hard formatting my USB and downloading a rom instead of using the windows 10 installer program. But even though i got windows to install my CPU temps are high as the sky reaching 60-70 celcius in idle.

My Build-

Cpu - Pentium G4560 with stock cooler
Mobo - ASRock B250 PRO4
Ram - Ballistix 8gbs
GPU - GTX 1050 2gb (Upgrading to 1060 3gb soon)
PSU - 650 watt
1. For now i would set the UEFI bios to default, just to get it working properly.
2. Pick just 1 HDD to install Windows onto, and unplug the others.
3. You could also try removing the video card for now and use the G4560's built in graphics while you try to install Windows. The fewer parts you have connected to the machine, the fewer potential problems or conflicts you will have. Stip it down to just the essentials and work up from there.

Thank you for the answer but it didn't help. The mobo doesn't let me boot into BIOS only UEFI. I also tried booting into legacy mode but didn't work either. What i ended up doing was using ubuntu on my laptop to format my usb and used a win 10 rom with another program to make it more compatible with UEFI and I was able to install it. Im still having CPU cooling issues though.

UEFI is what replaced the older more basic BIOS. Your motherboard, and any modern motherboard, uses the more modern UEFI interface in place of the more basic old style BIOS. It's gone for good.

Is your CPU simply running hotter than you would like, but not causing any problems, or is it getting dangerously hot and crashing?

The cpu was running absurdly hot in idle from 60 to 75 c. I fixed the problem by reseating the fan. Thank you all for the help.