Question PC Upgrade Suggestions

Mar 29, 2020
My PC was built about 8 years ago and I'm finally looking to upgrade. Any suggestions are much appreciated. The tower, power supply, fans and the like are staying.
I need to pick a processor, motherboard, and GPU. My dad suggested I look into the AMD Ryzen 5s.
I'm a gamer. I don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money, but I'm looking to build something that'll last another 8 years.
Again, any help is much appreciated.
My PC was built about 8 years ago and I'm finally looking to upgrade. Any suggestions are much appreciated. The tower, power supply, fans and the like are staying.
I need to pick a processor, motherboard, and GPU. My dad suggested I look into the AMD Ryzen 5s.
I'm a gamer. I don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money, but I'm looking to build something that'll last another 8 years.
Again, any help is much appreciated.
To help us guide you, you need to provide a budget and what pieces are required. For example, Monitor? Gaming mouse? Windows license?