PC Version of Watch Dogs Launch Issues: Update Drivers

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Even with a high profile game like this, hardware and software doesn't always click or come together instantly. Good on both AMD and Nvidia for updating their drivers to remedy performance issues with driver updates so quickly. Ubisoft has to fix their server side issues too, shouldn't take too long.
My advice here to everyone would be not to buy watchdogs for at least 2 or 3 weeks until Ubisoft can fix this shit and give everyone an at least playable experience.

"But wait!" cries a frantic executive from Ubisoft; "Those are the most important for sales! We need the game to sell then, otherwise it will look terrible on our sales record and send our stock crashing down!"

I quite agree, Ubisoft. I quite agree.
You get what you deserve Ubisoft. I hope you go down in flames for using DRM crap that kills your users fun. GOG FTW.

Do yourself a favor and boycott any game that uses DRM until they wake up. If you start affecting their wallet they will quit and go DRM free. They would have ZERO choice in the matter or just plain go bankrupt. Which is what I'd rather have anyway with all big devs, so we can get back to 5-30 person teams and MUCH more gameplay over graphics. Graphics are cool, but I'd rather have triple the gameplay time and less wasted on graphics. I don't know about you, but I'm sick of BF59, Crisis33, COD68...LOL. If you keep giving them money this is all we'll keep getting. Look at all the great teams making games on kickstarter etc. So many great ideas coming that are WORTH paying for by all the people who USED to make great games before EA/MS/Activision etc bought them all up and destroyed them. Now all we get is betas for $60 that last 10hrs instead of 30-100's of hours for $40 with nice boxes, manuals etc.
I wonder where all those "I never have trouble with Uplay" people are now, ready to jump at you every time you mention that you boycott Ubisoft.
Even with a high profile game like this, hardware and software doesn't always click or come together instantly. Good on both AMD and Nvidia for updating their drivers to remedy performance issues with driver updates so quickly. Ubisoft has to fix their server side issues too, shouldn't take too long.
The latest Nvidia driver as listed in the article was available Monday (day before release).

I don't have an Nvidia card so I wasn't aware of that, well kudos to Nvidia for getting that out before launch.


IF people didn't pirate games we wouldn't need DRM. I dislike DRM in terms of the implementation, but the concept of making sure that the game developers and publishers get their fair share is fair. DRM does get cracked, is that fair to the developers, no; is it fair to the publishers, again no; is it legal, no. I think we should stop looking at DRM as the problem and take care of the piracy first. Some companies like Greenheart Games, makers of Game Dev Tycoon, have great DRM where if the game was pirated then your game development studio would stop making money because of rampant piracy and you would not be able to finish a game because you would go bankrupt before the end of the time you have in the game
rishiswas, I quite agree with what you are saying there, but pirating happens because of how exensive games are nowadays. Back in the day we would get game for less than $40 and they would last much longer and be bugfree. People bought them because they were worth the money. People pirate becasue it's now too expensive for the quality we get. Lower the prices of the games and the DRM won't be needed anymore. Also DRM is another reason that people pirate. DRM ruins some aspects of games and make people want to get the game without it.

I personally didn't get any trouble with WatchDogs, but that's because I bought it for the Xbox One.
The suits see a pirated game as a lost sale. What they fail to understand is that person was never going to pay for the game in the first place.

This is just another half baked release that will take another year before it is, dare I say, enjoyable? Welcome to Open Beta.
Glad I bought a physical copy of the game. I did have trouble though logging into UPlay. Updated my AMD drivers for my HD7950. I have had no ploblems playing on Ultra settings. But the controls can feel sluggish and the driving physics could be improvement as well. But all and all I am having fun playing.
The game "works" alright for me, as far as errors are concerned, but performance is very spotty. Harsh light sources in particular seem to strangle my framerate down to 30-ish, and video settings don't seem to help it consistently. A 4 GB GTX 770 should be able to handle this better at 1080p than it does.

It isn't your hardware's fault. That much is clear at this point. They have a lot of dusting and cleaning to do, still.
There's even an error if you're playing the game on Windows Vista (SP1 needed).

Hold on... I would think more than just Vista SP1 is required since we're talking about a DirectX 11-only title... Perhaps the Vista Platform Update that added DX11 support to Vista, which released as and is technically DX10-capable OS without the Platform Update is what's actually needed. Vista SP1 was released in March of 2008, and the Platform Update came in October of 2009, AFTER the release of Windows 7, which introduced us to DirectX 11.
Glad I bought a physical copy of the game. I did have trouble though logging into UPlay. Updated my AMD drivers for my HD7950. I have had no ploblems playing on Ultra settings. But the controls can feel sluggish and the driving physics could be improvement as well. But all and all I am having fun playing.

I have a crossfire config with 7950's and I'm getting some getting some graphical ghosting with the 14.6 beta drivers installed. I suppose I should try with just one card, since most benchmarks show there is no real performance increase in either sli or crossfire config.

Other specs
I7 2600k
16gb ram
2x 512 SSD
W 8.1
My brand new 780Ti, fresh out of the box, bluescreens on Watch_Dogs splash screen about 50% of the time and after about a half hour of gameplay at seemingly random areas. Gotta tell ya, that is beyond frustrating. Using the latest game ready drivers. Passes Furmark stress test just fine.
The suits see a pirated game as a lost sale. What they fail to understand is that person was never going to pay for the game in the first place.

This is just another half baked release that will take another year before it is, dare I say, enjoyable? Welcome to Open Beta.
The suits see a pirated game as a lost sale. What they fail to understand is that person was never going to pay for the game in the first place.

This is just another half baked release that will take another year before it is, dare I say, enjoyable? Welcome to Open Beta.

Francis agrees with you.
1Fps during the intro.., the ubi intro..., on a dual gtx690, 4960x, 16Gb 2666Mhz rig..... without even touching the settings ingame and default settings driverwise... i call that pretty good fail... i'll just wait till the community will get it out of alpha like it usually does because ubi wont listen..., i do not dare to touch the nvsurround option...
My advice here to everyone would be not to buy watchdogs for at least 2 or 3 weeks until Ubisoft can fix this shit and give everyone an at least playable experience.

"But wait!" cries a frantic executive from Ubisoft; "Those are the most important for sales! We need the game to sell then, otherwise it will look terrible on our sales record and send our stock crashing down!"

I quite agree, Ubisoft. I quite agree.

It's what I've come to learn from Ubisoft lately. Bad enough dealing with random issues stemming from UPlay.

As excited as I am to try out Watch Dogs and eventually The Division, I'll hold off a month or two after release.
1Fps during the intro.., the ubi intro..., on a dual gtx690, 4960x, 16Gb 2666Mhz rig..... without even touching the settings ingame and default settings driverwise... i call that pretty good fail... i'll just wait till the community will get it out of alpha like it usually does because ubi wont listen..., i do not dare to touch the nvsurround option...

Your main problem is likely QUAD SLI. Any time you deviate from a typical setup you're more likely to have issues. That's why consoles are easier to code for with a known hardware configuration.

It's a new game with a lot of new code implementations so it was prone to have issues.

In your case I suggest either waiting or taking out one of your 690's. Considering there are OTHER issues I think you should just put it aside for a month then try again.

Personally, I do understand the issues with coding for a wide variation of PC configurations (both hardware and software) so as long as the game gets fixed in a reasonable length of time I'm satisfied.

You weren't kidding.

Don't forget that pirated game always released on the same day as the game launch or even before that. So how the hell did they get it? curious. That's what company should fix rather than using DRM bullshit just to play single player.

Sorry the data says you're wrong. First the people who pirate wouldn't buy the games anyway as most can't even afford to put food on their tables. I'm not saying they wouldn't like to, but when you're making a few dollars a day it's not an option so there are NO lost sales on these people. Second, if you were right at all, CD Project wouldn't be saying the Witcher 2 NON-DRM game was the least pirated version on the planet...LOL. Also since you could get it DRM free from them, they should have sold only one copy because according to you we would have all pirated it right? You couldn't be more wrong.

You're not making sense. How can you go bankrupt due to piracy before your game even is finished? Who said anything about devs NOT getting their share? I'm all for buying DRM free games so they GET their share. You're putting words in my mouth. I don't even understand your tycoon comments. Pitching a game or something?

Some companies, IE every game on kickstarter I've been wanting have ZERO drm editions. I could list a dozen here all HUGE titles. Just go to kickstarter and check the MOST FUNDED GAMES list. ALL DRM free. The witcher etc proves you can make a mint while keeping everyone happy. IF you want to get more users to buy, lower the price some instead of charging $60 for a 10hr game that most can't afford. Expect piracy when you place your product so far out of reach of billions of users. With places like steam (I don't like them but get why people do...NO DRM for me) and Gog charging prices everyone can afford there is very little reason to pirate. Piracy happens because of DRM and people not believing they are getting VALUE for their bucks or just plain being unable to afford the price.

You're also forgetting what USERS have to put up with. Look at all the BETA games they release for $60. Is that fair to the users? NO. Can you get your refund? NO. Is there any other industry where you can't get a refund? NO. They get what they deserve. Only DRM free companies deserve your money since these companies don't consider you a CRIMINAL even before you purchase as EA etc does. To them we are ALL criminals. BOYCOTT DRM.

Exactly and they are usually BEFORE release. They go out the back door the second they go gold (so at times a few weeks before release). Instead of policing US, meaning the people who PAY for the games, they need to do a better job of policing themselves, and areas where rampant piracy happens (torrents, web etc). Quit punishing the people who are honest and stick to punishing the evil ones. The only DRM I agree with is a simple key for online play or to activate it (and I can barely handle that). It's easy to blacklist keys and is fairly problem free for users as it's a simple keycheck with no affect on the game code. The pirates will crack it no matter what it is (games, 3dsmax, solidworks, maya etc etc, all ms stuff), so just something like a key will keep most people from going rogue. More than anything though I think PRICE is the problem. If people think your product is not worth your price they will find a way around your DRM or just not buy. In the event they are still honest they wait for a sale so cheap you've wasted money on DRM anyway. Worse you may have made them angry enough to never buy and go pirate for good...LOL.

DRM is a waste of company resources in the worst way. You can buy pre-hacked consoles that play everything, so again what is the point in anything more than a key? Consoles take less work to pirate than PC's with all the patches, cracks etc on PC...ROFL.
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