photonboy :
1Fps during the intro.., the ubi intro..., on a dual gtx690, 4960x, 16Gb 2666Mhz rig..... without even touching the settings ingame and default settings driverwise... i call that pretty good fail... i'll just wait till the community will get it out of alpha like it usually does because ubi wont listen..., i do not dare to touch the nvsurround option...
Your main problem is likely QUAD SLI. Any time you deviate from a typical setup you're more likely to have issues. That's why consoles are easier to code for with a known hardware configuration.
It's a new game with a lot of new code implementations so it was prone to have issues.
In your case I suggest either waiting or taking out one of your 690's. Considering there are OTHER issues I think you should just put it aside for a month then try again.
Personally, I do understand the issues with coding for a wide variation of PC configurations (both hardware and software) so as long as the game gets fixed in a reasonable length of time I'm satisfied.
I'm not really planning on taking out one of my cards just because watchdogs dont run in quad XD
I have more games to play around with so i wont get bored 😛, i'll just wait and see if "der ubi's" will respond on my tickets.., and if not..., well it would be yet again a nice example of a big corp treating pc gamers like crap..
I'll just play the waiting game..