Pc wont boot up unless jumper.. 1 long beep and 2 short beeps


May 30, 2016
Hello guys,
So when i boot up my computer it does 1 long and 2 short beeps. It boots normal after the jumper thing but when i shutdown it, same thing happens.
Also when it boots it says cant detect TPM device.
No i dont have a graphics card.
Pc specs:
Acer veritron s480g
Core2duo e7600 3.06ghz
4gigs ddr3 ram
2x 160gb hdd
300w psu
I will link a screenshot of the mobo.
it was released in 2009. But i bought it for eBay around 2 months ago. No problems til now

I would try replacing the battery like Captain recommended. 1 Long, 2 short is a "damaged bios" beep code and that mobo is 7 years old. If that's a stock battery it could easily be dead or close to it by now and those 3 volt batteries are inexpensive and nothing to change. That or try re-flashing or installing the latest bios version.
How do i flash bios in this pc, bc im planing to do a lga 771 to 775 mod and i need to.
Anything u can tell me about that?

You can download the latest bios version from the link attached below. You would then need to put that update on a thumb drive or another acceptable storage device it can load from. That mobo is a little bit older so the only way you will probably be able to update the bios is from the bios menu. So when you first turn the computer on, continuously tap the delete key and it should enter the bios menu. From there you should have a menu to update your bios from your storage device.

- Acer Veriton S480G Lastest Bios -
My bios looks like that, what menu r you talking about? http://prntscr.com/bpvjtw

I just changed the battery and it still does that 1 long and 2 shorter beeps... Dont know what to do. After i clear cmos, pc works just fine i can play league at 60 fps even. Any other ideas?
Guys how do you want me to update the bios if i cant even set the first boot device... I mean when i clear cmos i can boot and get to the bios, but when i save the settings and exit pc needs to boot again and the same beep code sounds over and over...

I just tried to remove the battery for 40mins. Nothing. Anything else to try?
PD: Sorry didn´t know that, my apologises.