PC Won't Boot Without Removing The DisplayPort Cable And Un-Plugging It From An Outlet.

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Jun 3, 2015
The title basically tells the whole story. Also i noticed whenever i don't unplug the displayport cable and power cable the Ez Debug LED turns on and shows that the GPU is having some kind of issue. This also happens with my other GPU.

MSI Z270 Gaming M3
i7 6700k
H80I V2
EVGA GTX 1080 Classified
16GB (2x8GB)
Did you say you tried another display port cable? If it is wired incorrectly it can cause the PC to not boot. It is common with those super cheap cables people pick up when they need a longer one than what comes with the monitor.

As example: this cable on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Rankie-Plated-DisplayPort-Resolution/dp/B00YOP0T7G/
despite the raving reviews, this is a bad cable. It feeds 5v back into the GPU causing major issues (specifically, the inability to boot).

You need a certified display port cable as pin 20 is not connected in them. I got this one after I found the above cable to be complete garbage: https://www.amazon.com/Accell-B142C-007B-UltraAV-DisplayPort-Locking/dp/B0098HVZBE

I unplugged the AC cable that's connected to the computer. I have only tried using a Display cable. I'll try using a HDMI cable.
Did you say you tried another display port cable? If it is wired incorrectly it can cause the PC to not boot. It is common with those super cheap cables people pick up when they need a longer one than what comes with the monitor.

As example: this cable on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Rankie-Plated-DisplayPort-Resolution/dp/B00YOP0T7G/
despite the raving reviews, this is a bad cable. It feeds 5v back into the GPU causing major issues (specifically, the inability to boot).

You need a certified display port cable as pin 20 is not connected in them. I got this one after I found the above cable to be complete garbage: https://www.amazon.com/Accell-B142C-007B-UltraAV-DisplayPort-Locking/dp/B0098HVZBE

The cable works fine before i changed cases and cpu cooler. But just in case it is the display port cable i'll go ahead and purchase the cable you recommend. Also i forgot to mention im using 2 monitor if that would make any difference.

Here the cable im using.

Yep. If i un-plug both display cables and power cable and try turning it on again it works fine.
I hope it is that simple and it is just the cable.

I about lost my mind trying to figure out what was wrong with mine. It happened a few days after I started using it. I thought my graphics card died but it worked fine with HDMI and DVI connections. Sadly my main monitor only has displayport. I know a bad cable can cause graphic glitches and such but never seen a cable prevent the entire PC from starting. But to be fair I have only ever used DVI before I got the monitor so my experience with DP was limited.

I'll definitely try getting a new cable. I'll keep you posted.
Thank you so much for your help.

Tried using a new display port cable but that didn't work so I went ahead and RMA the motherboard. It's works great now.

Thanks for everyone help. :)
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