PC wont boot


Nov 19, 2014
First off id like to start by saying that my PSU has been acting up lately, as in the fan has been much louder than normal, and is by far the loudest fan in my system. Today when i went to turn on my computer all of the fans spin, except my two Noctua NF-F12 fans that i have on my h100i radiator. The PSU fan, intake, exhaust, and GPU fans all spin. The monitor remains black. One Thing to note is that the 2 Radiator fans spin for about 1 second when i first press the power button, then stop spinning. I would suspect this to be a failing a PSU, as i have some knock off chinese one that came with my system, and i will be replacing soon anyways. Any Ideas as to what the problem could be?
so i just installed the new PSU it is a 750W Rosewill HIVE. The new psu is stil by FAR the loudest component of my pc thought. all my other fans are running at around 800-1000 rpm