PC won't POST after installing CPU cooler

Alex Kelly

So I just installed my new Dark Rock 3 from be quiet and uninstalled my Kraken X61. I also took my PSU out to change one modular cable from a 4 way SATA to a 2 way SATA.

Now, my PC won't post at all, just shows 'A2' in the corner of the screen and tries to reboot every 20 seconds or so. All fans spin including the Dark Rock 3 fan but it will not post.

What have I done? Could I have put too much pressure on the CPU and broke it? Did peeling the foam pads off the back of the CPU socket damage the motherboard?

Stresssssin hard. Help please. 🙁
Make sure both power cables from PSU are properly plugged in, and make sure no metal is touching the motherboard where it isn't supposed to (like a loose screw) If that's not the case then it sounds like you might have damaged your motherboard.
I always got A2 for a split second before boot, but it never stayed there. I checked the SATA cables, it's all fine. Happens even with no drives connected.

And yeah, everything is plugged in and there is nothing touching the mobo. It really sucks that a simple cooler install followed properly could break something so expensive.

I'll check for bent pins soon. I was always worried about getting an air cooler because of the pressure on the CPU but I was told many times not to worry about that.
You've most likely given the motherboard a static shock.

For future reference: when working with the motherboard you want to ground the case by having power cable plugged into the wall but power switch turned off on the PSU, and perferably a wristband for yourself which is attached to somethign which is grounded (like the case for example). Also avoid wearing nylon or wool whilst working inside the computer.

Thats good news. Glad it wasn't anything more serious. Updating bios and motherboard drivers may fix this problem for you. good luck