PC won't post until fiddled around with components

Jul 14, 2018
As the title says, pc won't post everytime I try to turn until I fiddle around with the components. The pc still works but it gets really annoying that I have to fiddle around with the components everytime I have to turn on the pc and sometimes waste an hour or two just to turn it on. When the pc didn't post I tried by taking out all the rams and the mobo speaker didn't beep at all. I also tried taking out the pcie cable for the gpu and the speaker mobo didn't beep as well. I tried by resetting the cmos and that didn't work as well. Strangely I can turn on the pc successfully by plugging of all the sata cable from the mobo or by plugging the hdmi cable to the mobo hdmi slot. Taking out the gpu also work but those 3 methods only work sometimes so its a bit of gamble. I thought that the problem lies within the mobo as I thought that the mobo is the main source of all this so I tried my bros mobo in my pc. When I press the power button it turns on and then restart itself but no problem after that. The problem only occurs when plug off the psu from electricity. I tried my mobo on my bros pc and it takes around 2 - 5 mins after pressing the power button to turn the pc on. So I concluded that either my mobo or psu is faulty but don't know which one that needs to be replaced...

The specs is:
- i5 4590 3.3ghz
- 14 GB of rams (8 & 4 GB)
- gtx 1070 Asus Strix
- Zaman zm600-gv 80+ bronze
- 240GB SanDisk ssd
- 1TB Western Blue HDD

If anyone knows the problem please help out...

if you have to flick the power supply switch it can be a power supply issue or the mb. i would pick up a test power supply for testing.
start with making sure the mb has updated bios. use the mb updater inside the bios to update the bios. make sure the mb has a fresh cmos batgtery on newer mb if it weak some mb wont post. see if there a dead short in your case. pull the mb use one ram stick and the power supply see if the error happens outside the case. if it does check that the cpu is locked in. (unlatch the cpu and press down then re-latch the cpu. try another test power supply. if the error still there then you may have bad vrm or a cap on the mb.
Have you checked that all of the stand-offs that connect the mobo to the case's rear panel are positioned correctly? A stand-off in the wrong location can cause a short circuit from the bottom of the mobo to the case. This can be intermittent and changed by slight flexing of the mobo when you move other stuff.

Of you do not know how to check and ensure proper placement, post back here for details.

Sorry late reply as I was out of town for the last 2 days.. forgot to mention that I had downgraded the bios thinking that it was the bios problem but unfortunately its not the case so i change the bios back to its latest one. The mb doesnt have the cmos battery as I thought the cmos battery was the cause of the problem. I've tried the method of putting one ram only but the problem still persists and Im sure that the cpu is lock tightly as its suppose to. Sadly I only have my bros computer to test on as I've just moved to another county haha. Strangely tho is that when I turn on the pc and flick the psu power switch off and on real quick it pass the post...

Yes I've checked the stand-offs and it sits where it should be.. I also tried turning on the pc outside of the case but the problem is still there