I recently bought a new custom configured workstation. The system has been running fine for about a month without issue. Last night while trying to reinstall some drivers the PC just powered off and would not turn back on. I noticed that the LED lights for for Ethernet were still on but trying the power button simply would not turn the system on. The power supply looks like it is getting power from the outlet. I opened the panel to look inside and there were two LED lights (see images)...one was red that looked like a power symbol and the other was a green reset button on the motherboard. I was not sure what those two buttons on the motherboard do? When I saw that red power button symbol glowing I thought it might be related to the power on issue and the green reset button that was on might help resolve it? I The board is an ASUS that supports the AMD Ryzen ThreadRipper 3955 16 core CPU, 64GB of memory. I hope this is just a simple fix and not something that is more severe like a bad motherboard or faulty power supply. I'd appreciate any feedback on what I could try to resolve the issue. If I have to wait until Monday to talk with support I can do that. I was hoping this would be an easy fix.