So yesterday my PC worked fine. It always has. Its a powerful custom gaming computer with a 750w power supply and an Asus mother board.
Anyway, it worked fine. Today I tried to power it up and nothing happened. This has happened befor . Ihad to unplug the power cable, mess with the switch, etc before the power button would turn it on. But it always did, until today. So I figured a cable came loose. Turned out the part where the cords from the case itself plugged in, where the speaker (that beeps when powered up, the power/reset buttpm , etc are plugged in.. Uh.. Turned out the part that controlled the power button was loose. So I pushed it back in and plugged the bit back into the board.
The PC powered on but it shut down immediately after 2 seconds. Everything. I don't know what caused this. My only guess is that the power supply is out of juice (judging from me having to do alot just to start it up in recent months) but I want to know for sure before I replace it.
Its worth noting that everything in this rig is 4 and a half years old, except the video card.
Anyway, it worked fine. Today I tried to power it up and nothing happened. This has happened befor . Ihad to unplug the power cable, mess with the switch, etc before the power button would turn it on. But it always did, until today. So I figured a cable came loose. Turned out the part where the cords from the case itself plugged in, where the speaker (that beeps when powered up, the power/reset buttpm , etc are plugged in.. Uh.. Turned out the part that controlled the power button was loose. So I pushed it back in and plugged the bit back into the board.
The PC powered on but it shut down immediately after 2 seconds. Everything. I don't know what caused this. My only guess is that the power supply is out of juice (judging from me having to do alot just to start it up in recent months) but I want to know for sure before I replace it.
Its worth noting that everything in this rig is 4 and a half years old, except the video card.