Pc won't start. Clicking noise

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May 17, 2017
My PC won't start. I hit the power button and a single click comes from the back of the PC. Upon inspection the psu fan does not even spin up. If I hit the button again nothing. If I hit the power switch on the back and wait a few minutes then switch it again and hit the power button, it makes the same click.
1. Could very well be the power supply (PSU) clicking. This could be caused by a bad PSU or by some other part in the system shorting and taking down the PSU.
2. Standard debugging is to remove video and memory and all USB devices and pull all the wires off except the MB and power supply except the 4/8 pin MB power and the 24 pin MB power and the CPU fan. Then see if it starts and indicates "no memory".
--- If it shows "no memory" add parts back in 1 at a time until it stops posting. The last part is suspect.
--- If it still clicks with jsut he PSU, CPU, MB and CPU fan then try a PSU swap.
3. NEVER EVER buy a $30 PSU. "There are powersupplies on ebay and amazon for like $30-$50 depending on the wattage." Instead looks at...
Your Power supply is might be dead. i had an incident where my computer could not boot up and i heard clicking from my PSU That indicates that your power supply might be dead. Get a new power supply unit. There are powersupplies on ebay and amazon for like $30-$50 depending on the wattage.
1. Could very well be the power supply (PSU) clicking. This could be caused by a bad PSU or by some other part in the system shorting and taking down the PSU.
2. Standard debugging is to remove video and memory and all USB devices and pull all the wires off except the MB and power supply except the 4/8 pin MB power and the 24 pin MB power and the CPU fan. Then see if it starts and indicates "no memory".
--- If it shows "no memory" add parts back in 1 at a time until it stops posting. The last part is suspect.
--- If it still clicks with jsut he PSU, CPU, MB and CPU fan then try a PSU swap.
3. NEVER EVER buy a $30 PSU. "There are powersupplies on ebay and amazon for like $30-$50 depending on the wattage." Instead looks at reviews at hardwaresecrets.com or pick something from this list: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-2547993/psu-tier-list.html

Well on amazon there is a $38 psu and has great reviews 79% of reviews are 5 stars, There are multiple PSUs that are like $40-$70 on amazon and ebay that have 5 star reviews plus he doesnt need a psu that has a alot of watts over 700w unless he has alot of drives, a powerful cpu that draws alot of energy, gpus in SLI or CrossfireX, or GPUs that use alot of energy(high wattage consumption). He can use any site he wants to get his PSU plus what is the specs of your computer @Dawson_R? Focus on the 5 star reviews

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