OK so I have cobbled together a machine with a supernova Nex750G power supply, Asus Sabretooth 990FX Rev2 MB, and a R280 Sapphire graphics card...
The machine will boot to the BIOS or a USB bootable windows installation fine but when I plug in a hard drive the machine will not turn on. The fans all spin for a second and then it just stops. I have to unplug the power supply from the wall and then plug it back in to get it to boot. It's a brand new SSD drive as well so that isn't the issue. Any ideas...?
The machine will boot to the BIOS or a USB bootable windows installation fine but when I plug in a hard drive the machine will not turn on. The fans all spin for a second and then it just stops. I have to unplug the power supply from the wall and then plug it back in to get it to boot. It's a brand new SSD drive as well so that isn't the issue. Any ideas...?