Question PC won't turn on for a few minutes after being plugged in


Aug 28, 2018
Hey All,

I've had 3 likely related issues. I've researched all of these & gone through the checklist, but haven't seen anything about them happening together. Hoping that might help pinpoint it further so I really appreciate any insight or advice, thanks so much!

  1. PC wont turn on for a few minutes after getting power. Initially, the power button does nothing. Then the leds/fans will briefly flick on. Shortly after this, it will boot normally. Seemingly no issues at all if I leave it running for extended periods of time.
  2. Power button doesn't appear to be working outside of turning it on? I haven't been able to use the power button to take my pc out of sleep. It is just completely unresponsive, and requires me to turn off PSU/unplug the PC altogether to restart.
  3. This is more recent - After turning on my pc (waiting a couple of mins as mentioned), my PC booted but my monitors were unresponsive with "no display connected". A red CPU light was active on my mobo. I rectified by letting the PC sit plugged in for a longer period of time before turning it on (could have just been luck). There are no error lights on mobo once I'm successfully booted.
Z590 Aorus Elite EX mobo

Intel i7 10700K

rtx 3080

gskill F4 3200 8gig (16 total)