[SOLVED] PC Won't Wake From Sleep


May 16, 2017
I just purchased a pre-built computer from a boutique vendor. Since receiving the PC I've had issues with sleep/wake. When putting the PC to sleep manually (Windows menu option) the PC seems to power down as you would expect. The fans stop, AIO stops, and the LED on the case flashes as one would expect. Also, when this happens I hear a click coming from the PSU. I assume this is a normal click? The computer stays asleep just fine, but the issue arises wen I try to wake the PC from the deep sleep.

If I attempt to wake the PC directly after putting it to sleep, say within a minute of everything powering down, then the PC will wake with no issues. The problem comes in when the PC is asleep for an extended period of time. Anything over about a minute then the PC will not wake up. Clicking on the keyboard, mouse or even pressing the power button does not wake the PC. One thing I have observed, however, is whenever I do press on either the keyboard, mouse or power button I do hear a click in the PSU. This click is not as loud as the click when the PSU goes to sleep, but it's still loud enough to hear. This click occurs the second I press any of the aforementioned devices. After the click nothing happens.

At first I thought the issue was with the PSU, and even bought a new PSU from a different manufacture to see if it would resolve the issue. The issue actually reversed during this test. The PC wouldn't stay asleep longer than a second.

I have gone through many different form posts and have made changes to the power settings under Windows. I have the following settings.

"Choose what the power buttons do"
Power button: Shut down
Reset button: Disabled (case only has one button)
Turn on fast startup: On

Power Plan: High Performance
Wireless Adapter Settings: Maximum Performance
Sleep -> Sleep After: Never
Sleep -> Allow Hybrid Sleep: Off
Sleep -> Hibernate after: Never
Sleep -> Allow wake timers: Enabled
USB -> USB selective suspend setting: Disabled
PCI Express -> Link State Power Management: Off

I have ensured that the keyboard and mouse are allowed to wake the computer under the Device Manager application.

Below is the hardware I'm using.
Case: NZXT H1
CPU: Ryzen 5800x
MB: AsRock B550 Phantom Gaming 4
RAM: T-Force 3200Mhz 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) - Checked and is on the OVL
GPU: Nvidia 3070 Ti (Founders)
PSU: ADATA XP Core Reactor 750w Gold

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I do have a warranty, but I'd rather not send the PC all the way across the US if this is just a BIOS, chipset or Windows issue. I'm trying to exhaust all options before performing an RMA.

Hello miken83. In a handful of similar sounding cases (issues) the cause was actually the DisplayPort or HDMI cables used; something to do with the pinout on the cables being mismatched I believe. To completely eliminate this as a possible cause, I would try a different cable mfg./model, and I would connect it to a different port on the GPU. And in the name of troubleshooting, I would even temporarily switch from DisplayPort to HDMI or vice versa, and see if the problem persists.

The second thing that I would do it disable power save for your storage:
Control Panel (small icons) -> Power Options -> Advanced Power Settings -> Turn off hard disk after -> FROM 20 TO 0 (zero) minutes.

* might as well *
Although these...
So if the LED is off, you're having trouble resuming from S4/S5, correct?

Any chance you have an NVME drive?


I am using an NVME SSD. I’ve tried two different ones. One with clean Windows install an the other with the vendors pre-loaded version. Same issue on both. I read through that thread and it doesn’t seem like those people got a resolution sadly.the difference between their issue and my issue is their computers would boot into BIOS from sleep. Mine doesn’t do anything.
I am using an NVME SSD. I’ve tried two different ones. One with clean Windows install an the other with the vendors pre-loaded version. Same issue on both. I read through that thread and it doesn’t seem like those people got a resolution sadly.the difference between their issue and my issue is their computers would boot into BIOS from sleep. Mine doesn’t do anything.

Also, I checked the QVL for my motherboard and both NVME SSDs are on the list. They are Gen3. Not sure if that should matter or not.
One other thing to mention about the issue is when I shutdown the PC I also have to manually reset the PSU (switch on back) before I can turn it back on via case power button. Very strange issue indeed.
One other thing to mention about the issue is when I shutdown the PC I also have to manually reset the PSU (switch on back) before I can turn it back on via case power button. Very strange issue indeed.

Not really strange. When you turn off the power you go from S4/S5 to G3:
... that takes you our of sleep and back into cold boot.

After a few minutes of sleep is the laptop / mouse powered up? Press shift or caps lock, what happens?
Hello miken83. In a handful of similar sounding cases (issues) the cause was actually the DisplayPort or HDMI cables used; something to do with the pinout on the cables being mismatched I believe. To completely eliminate this as a possible cause, I would try a different cable mfg./model, and I would connect it to a different port on the GPU. And in the name of troubleshooting, I would even temporarily switch from DisplayPort to HDMI or vice versa, and see if the problem persists.

The second thing that I would do it disable power save for your storage:
Control Panel (small icons) -> Power Options -> Advanced Power Settings -> Turn off hard disk after -> FROM 20 TO 0 (zero) minutes.

* might as well *
Although these next two things won't resolve your chief issue, I still recommend that you do so for best practices:

(1) Install chipset drivers directly from AMD, not from the motherboard manufacturer:

(2) Instead of turning off hibernation with GUI (graphic interface), I strongly recommend that you use the command line syntax. Why you may ask? Because Windows hibernation reserves storage space to backup the contents of active memory. However, when you disable it with the GUI, it does not relinquish the space back to the user. If you want proof of this, check your free space on your C drive and screen shot the number(s). Then "Run as administrator Command Prompt. Then in the black command prompt window type following command exactly and hit enter at the end. If no error is returned, then you've performed it perfectly. Now refresh the free space inquiry on the C drive and compare to the figure screenshot moments ago:

powercfg.exe /hibernate off

Not absolutely sure if this is your problem but it isn't uncommon for PCs to fail waking up from hibernation. I've discovered that despite your listed selections all that is required for them to be ignored (among other preferences) is a simple Windows update. (A thing that made me favour Linux more than ever before.) At any rate it looks as though rcald2000 has provided a sensible response to this issue. I hope it works out for you.
Hey guys,

I really appreciate everyone's help. I'm going to reply to each of you in this comment.

@AntonyLovric , after about a minute of sleep everything becomes unresponsive. Keyboard and mouse do light up, but they are battery powered so that's likely just them doing that on their own. It doesn't matter if I press any key on my keyboard, tap on the mouse or press the power button. All that happens is a little click from the PSU and then nothing else happens.

@rcald2000, so I did try different display cables. I actually moved my computer to my son's room and used his mouse, keyboard and monitor. He uses HDMI and I use DP and the issues occurred in both setups. I did try your second and third tips though. I set the HD to never power down, and used CMD to disable hibernate. I reset the computer and tried sleep again. That resulted in the same issue.

I have already updated the AMD chipset from the AMD website, I have ensured Windows is fully up-to-date, and I have installed the most recent graphics drivers from NVIDIA.

I have also gone into the BIOS and disabled XMP, and have played around with some of the sleep/wake settings. After having no success I just rest the entire BIOS to factory settings. I even cleared CMOS by removing the battery and bridging the CMOS header on the board.

Unfortunately, nothing I've tried has worked. At this point I think I'm just going to have to send this PC in for repair. I appreciate everyone's help!