
Mar 31, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.games.vga-planets (More info?)

I was trying to use the PCC2 in my machine and when it starts i have
this message;

=== Initializing GUI... ===
Video driver: directx (256381k, wm, hw, hw->hw, sw->hw, fill)
0 fonts loaded
Error during initialisation: Too few fonts available, need at least 4

Anyone of you know how fix it or what i am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance
Archived from groups: alt.games.vga-planets (More info?)

I solve the first problem using the instalation program of the PCRV2

Yes, my machine can work with PCC 1.X, i really like it but PCCII
graphics are MUCH better, even better than the winplanets, VCR en PCII
are great, i am current triying to use PCC 1 and 2 at the same time.

I have some problems in other relevant aspects of PCCII, one of then is
the graphics in tyhe starbase and planet windows, it simply doesnt work
for me, i mean i canot see the pictures of the planet, mines,
factories, defenses or starbases, i put the res-cfg file just as you
say in the quickstart but nothing happens, anyway i see in your webpage
some pictires of the VCR but my VCR ships are not like the ones you
show in the webpage, i did something wrong?.

Other pictures i canot see is the starbases pictures of the hulls,
ammmo, engines and that stuff to huild ships

Thanks again

PD: Scuse me my poor english but my natal tongue is spanish
Archived from groups: alt.games.vga-planets (More info?)

Alex wrote:
> I was trying to use the PCC2 in my machine and when it starts i have
> this message;
> === Initializing GUI... ===
> Video driver: directx (256381k, wm, hw, hw->hw, sw->hw, fill)
> 0 fonts loaded
> Error during initialisation: Too few fonts available, need at least 4

It means you did not install it properly. Inside the folder containing
"pcc-v2.exe", there should be a subfolder "resource" containing
"font1.fnt" up to "font4.fnt". One cause for this problem is that you
unpacked it without restoring the directory structure (you're not the
first with this problem, but the first one finally sent me a mail that
he solved the problem, but didn't tell me how he did so).

However, I would currently not recommend PCC II for day use.
Unfortunately, the public version has at least one serious bug (ammo
building on starbases does not work). And otherwise, it is not the most
comfortable thing. I would try PCC 1.x if your machine understands that.

Archived from groups: alt.games.vga-planets (More info?)

Alex wrote:
> I have some problems in other relevant aspects of PCCII, one of then is
> the graphics in tyhe starbase and planet windows, it simply doesnt work
> for me, i mean i canot see the pictures of the planet, mines,
> factories, defenses or starbases,

Maybe this is simply missing. PCC II is very incomplet. It seems, mines
and planets are simply missing.

> i put the res-cfg file just as you
> say in the quickstart but nothing happens, anyway i see in your webpage
> some pictires of the VCR but my VCR ships are not like the ones you
> show in the webpage, i did something wrong?.

To get the VCR pictures, you need a wpvcr.dll file, like that from
Donovan's Winplan section (that's the one I use). You need a line such
as "wpvcr:c:\winplan\wpvcr.dll" in cc-res.cfg.

> Other pictures i canot see is the starbases pictures of the hulls,
> ammmo, engines and that stuff to huild ships

Those are probably missing.

The current public release is old. My working version has already
improved a lot, and management of pictures was one area which improved
vastly. I hope to get out a new version soon. (Currently, I struggle to
get a new version out of the program which my boss pays my salary for 🙂

Archived from groups: alt.games.vga-planets (More info?)

Yes, i download it from that page and images doesnt seem, i mean, i
just download all the donovans images in 800x600, uncompress it and
save then in the BMP directory that PCCV2 looks, some pictures dont
stretch to the screen, others simply doesnt seem, in the planets
screen i canot see the planets images, or the mines images, resorurces
etc, in a starbase i canot see the starbase images and the hulls images
or engines or nothing. my quiestion is: I DID SOMENTHING WRONG? or that
is one of the bugs of this beta version?

I ask you "where" i can get the improved version because you say in the
tread that you allready have another version who fix some images
troubles, now i think i understand that you dont publish that version
yet, but PLEASE when you publish another version please keep in
contact, becasuse your clients are the best things in the VGAP games
and if they can use coreectly the donovans images it will be 200 times
better than winplan itself

Best regards
Archived from groups: alt.games.vga-planets (More info?)

Alex wrote:
> where i can get that improved version?

If that is a serious question: <http://phost.de/~stefan/pcc2.html>.

But the "where" has never been a problem. The big unknown is the "when".
I do not even know yet which compiler I will use for the next release.
Today, I spent half an afternoon trying to get Borland C++ compile the
thing. After half a dozen workarounds for compiler bugs and finally a
library patch, I got it to compile again, and it even works somehow. But
I'm not exactly happy about that.

(Just to be sure: there is *not* yet an updated PCC II / PlayVCR that
can be downloaded anywhere.)


Hamburg con participants: the reason why the Windows FLAK viewer did not
work is the bug from <2c7de420.0304170436.3df9aa51@posting.google.com>.
Archived from groups: alt.games.vga-planets (More info?)

Alex wrote:
> I ask you "where" i can get the improved version because you say in the
> tread that you allready have another version who fix some images
> troubles,

Yes, but I also said (well, maybe not too clear), that that version is
not yet released. However, this evening I got quite some steps closer, I
think. But tomorrow I'll be visiting an aunt for her 90th birthday, so
I guess I will not be programming tomorrow :)

> yet, but PLEASE when you publish another version please keep in
> contact,

I will announce it in this newsgroup, promised.

Followup-To: poster.
