PCH Temprature very high compared to others

Kiran Govind

Feb 1, 2015
I just finished building up my system .While i was checking out the temperature i found out that PCH temperature is like higher than my CPU and Motherboard temperature. Is that okay? . I'm worried since its my first day.

CPU Temp : 40~50 Degree
Mother Board Temp : 30~40 Degree
PCH Temp : 70~80 Degree

My PC specs are
i7 4790k
Asus z97-A Motherboard
8GB Ram

Here is a screenshot of the temperature

If your comfortable doing so, you may want to remove the PCH heatsink and reinstall. You should just be able to carefully unscrew it, then carefully remove it. If it has thermal compound under it, does it look like an excessive amount? If it's just thermal tape, just firmly reattach and screw it back together, maybe it just wasn't on correctly. Otherwise, you may want to RMA. I can't actually say what's an "acceptable" temp for longterm use. It may be fine for months, or many years. All I can say is I've never seen a PCH temp that high before. For my own examples, my board right now as I'm typing is 36C for the PCH, and the highest reading I've had on any past motherboard I've had was 51C.
Definitely looks to high. Should be maybe ~50C maybe a little higher under a load after awhile. What's your airflow like in your case? It could also just be a bad sensor. Is the temperature readin from AiSuite matching the BIOS/UEFI? It could also be that the PCH Heatsink wasn't properly attached during assembly of the motherboard. It's probably just a simple push-pin setup to attach it to the board. Maybe it's not pushing in the whole way and not making good contact to the PCH itself. Could also be bad thermal compound(too little or to much) or incorrectly applied.

Kiran Govind

Feb 1, 2015

Yeah the temperature is matching in BIOS/UEFI. Now is there anyway to fix it. Do i have to replace it?
If your comfortable doing so, you may want to remove the PCH heatsink and reinstall. You should just be able to carefully unscrew it, then carefully remove it. If it has thermal compound under it, does it look like an excessive amount? If it's just thermal tape, just firmly reattach and screw it back together, maybe it just wasn't on correctly. Otherwise, you may want to RMA. I can't actually say what's an "acceptable" temp for longterm use. It may be fine for months, or many years. All I can say is I've never seen a PCH temp that high before. For my own examples, my board right now as I'm typing is 36C for the PCH, and the highest reading I've had on any past motherboard I've had was 51C.