[citation][nom]liquidsnake718[/nom]Well then one could argue that developers like Ati and Nvidia should focus on using onboard GPU's/integrated gpus and develope something to replace those pcie2.0 or 3.0 lanes for bandwidth...or connect these integrated gpus in a way that they can maximize the pcie bandwidth.A usb 3.0 connection for a gpu is a good idea and im sure it has been thought of already.[/citation]
I'm sensing you don't understand how these things work.
You don't need bandwidth if you put enough memory on the card to begin with. NVIDIA can't do anything like that anyway, since they have no control over the motherboard. ATI is moving the GPU to the processor, Intel has already moved it closer. These are for small GPUs right now, but no doubt will get bigger with time.
USB would be a horrible idea for a GPU connection. Again, I'm pretty sure you're not looking at everything. You probably are not taking into account latency, which is very important. USB 3.0 has extremely high latency compared to a PCIE slot, and in fact, anything using USB 3.0 has to go all the way through the PCIE interface anyway.
Bandwidth doesn't matter for cards unless they use more memory than the card has, but latency is always part of it. If you're taking forever to get the commands to the GPU from the CPU, which is related to latency, you'll see dreadful performance regardless.
USB is best known as "Universally shi**y bus". It's always been poor, inefficient and likely always will be. It's only useful when performance doesn't matter much, being clearly an implementation of convenience over performance. Virtually every other interface is superior in efficiency, if it's modern. It's not the answer for high performance parts, and never was intended to be.