Ok, correct me if I'm wrong, but the PCI bandwidth demand increases with the resolution and quality settings of your game, not with the graphics processing power of your GPU (yes, a more powerful GPU will tend to run at higher settings, meaning there is a correlation but its not a direct link.. stay with me here).
What we can see from this article is that an 8x gate is pretty much at its limits with existing resolutions. Running higher resolutions will increase this limiting effect.
For example: 2x 5870s running 1 screen show a small chocking effect from the 8x gates. Those same 5870s running 3x that resolution in an eyefinity setup will show a far greater difference between 16x and 8x as the CPU struggles to feed the required data for three screens to the GPU. You follow?
In other words, the only people who really NEED the x58 chipset with the extra PCI lanes are power users. This is important because some people seem to think that the above article proves there is not a meaningful difference, but in fact it shows that high/mainstream hardware is nudging the limits of 8x gates, and increases in resolution will only make this worse.
Just my humble opinion.