If this fails, even catastrophically you are looking at melted plastic, inoperable computer and a stinky room. This will never cause the H1 fire that that riser cable exhibited (Short to Ground). This issue has been sensationalized to death.Products defects that can cost lives need to be recalled.
You are conflating vehicular safety to recreational computing. One involves high speed where any fault could be life threatening, the other has very little health or safety interaction. Enough thermal energy(heat) to melt plastic does not mean enough heat to combust. Plastic will start to melt at 120°C to 200°C and release noxious air, Your most combustible kindle/newspaper won't combust until 230°C. Worst you are looking at is a damaged power connector and cable and a stinky room...There was a design defect in the Ford pinto that if you hit the rear of it. The suspension ran the risk of piercing the fuel tank setting it on fire. These days if there's a risk of even the car stalling out on a highway there's a recall.
Good luck to those existing law suits, they are going to need it.
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