Hey all just built https://pcpartpicker.com/list/n4KT78
Speccy reads my GPU, Device manager reads my gpu. Everything boots up fine but monitors read nothing. All hdmi ports on monitors and all DP and hmdi on GPU. Reads integrated just fine. Changed refresh rate on monitors too just in case, but nothing. Resat and rewired gpu to see if that'd help but still same issue. Got a message saying. "Windows stopped this device because it has reported problems code 43" in the device manager about my gpu. If that helps.
Speccy reads my GPU, Device manager reads my gpu. Everything boots up fine but monitors read nothing. All hdmi ports on monitors and all DP and hmdi on GPU. Reads integrated just fine. Changed refresh rate on monitors too just in case, but nothing. Resat and rewired gpu to see if that'd help but still same issue. Got a message saying. "Windows stopped this device because it has reported problems code 43" in the device manager about my gpu. If that helps.